


しかし、マラウイ政府は高等教育学生ローン・グラント委員会(Higher Education Students’ Loans and Grants Board)を通じて、困窮している学生にローンを提供しています。


Transformation of an individual from primary level to secondary level is one of the most unforgettable moments in education.
Most of the times like here in Malawi it reaches an extent whereby parents can even arrange a party for you, celebrating your achievement.
Some can even buy a gift to their children.

I remember during my time when I was selected to secondary school, my parents bought me a school shoe and a trouser.
It was an exciting moment that time being transformed from wearing kabudula (shorts) to trouser and from walking barefooted to walking in a polished school shoe.

In additional to that, life in secondary school is special.
Most of the times secondary school constitutes different individuals from different families.
Some come from rich families, others from middle class while other come from poor families.
The interaction between students is utmost at this type of education level.
This is so because at this level, individuals are mostly at their adolescence stage, the stage whereby peer pressure among individual plays huge part.
It is not surprised to see students at this level teasing and bulling each other.
To their point of view is no more less like trying to transform their fellows to suit to the level there are.
On the other hand, the issue of school fees at secondary school is the greatest obstacle to most of the students especially here in Malawi.
Most of the times students who wake hard in school are poor people.
I remember during my time in primary, we were 78 students who sat for examination. Out of this number 23 were selected to community day secondary schools, 10 were selected to district secondary school, 12 were selected to national secondary schools. Out of the students who made it to secondary school, almost 35 were from very poor family.
Though some were helped by government, a huge number were sent home because of luck of school fees.
Despite this most students tend to manage to excel secondary school level to colleges.
Life at college is unpredictable.
Everything is of high cost at college.
For example, fees, food and other life needs are of high cost.
Here at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and natural Resources (UANAR)

Every meal cost almost K1,200 and one must have an amount not less than K2,000 to manage to purchase two meals for a complete day.
Talking of fees, it’s K210,000 per semester and K420,000 per academic year.
As I already pointed out that most of the times, hard workers come from very poor families, there is a huge problem of school fees at colleges.
Most of the students cannot manage to survive the cost leaving at college.
Excluding that, the government of Malawi through Higher Education Students ‘Loans and Grants Board provides loans to needy students.
Unfortunately, LUANAR is not the only university in Malawi.
There are more than five public universities here in Malawi which includes, Chancellor College, Polytechnic, Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) and College of Medicine just to mention a few.
These colleges constitute needy students too.
The board which provides loans to needy students cannot manage to provide fees to all students who applied for it.
This follows that some must be considered while others are left.
It is very pathetic to see that the consideration does not provide enough room for students who deserve to be helped.
Despite biases when choosing eligible students to benefit for the loan, corruption also plays a huge part.
Only small number of students are considered and most of the times the percentage does not balance as far as all tribes are concerned.
For instance, here at LUANAR we had some problems on academic calendar.
The issue of covid-19 disturbed the calendar following the closure of the college due to this pandemic.
Students who were supposed to be in year two are in year one, those who were to be in year three, are in year two.
LUANAR was closed earlier than any other college and students did not manage to finish there academic year like other public universities managed to do.
When the loans board called for loan application which required an academic history like grading points aggregates (GPA), some students especially first years were unable to complete the forms as they had no academic history at that time to attach to the form as required.
A relatively huge number of students did not apply more particularly year ones.
Nonetheless, almost all the students who managed or who were eligible to apply and managed to do so were considered.
On the one hand, a lot of first year students did not apply and the executive plainly said to those who did not apply that they must find way ways as fast as possible of sourcing money for their next academic year.
They claimed that it is impossible to open another room for them to apply.
This is no more less like killing year ones.
Life here at LUANAR as I said is impossible without fees and food.
On the other hand, fees problems have even affected performance of students negatively.
For instance, students who were not considered for loan and had fees balances were prohibited to sit for end of semester exams claiming that they must first of all clear fee’s balances, and they will later on given a differed exam.

Students who cleared their balances through other people (well-wishers and sponsors) were in contrary not given differed exams up until they were about to sit for end exams of semester 2.
They were forced to first of all write the differed and then semester 1 exams.
This situation disturbed students very much.
It is very sad to say that most of them did not manage to even reach the required margin of GPA.
All in all, life in college is unpredictable.
Students suffer a lot.
There is a need for help of food and more importantly fees from any angle.
Students are at a high risk of being withdrawn from school not because they are dull, but rather due to financial problems mostly here at LUANAR.

Zimakhala zinthu zosangalasa kwambiri mwana akakhoza kuchoka kusukulu ya mkomba phala kupita ku sukulu ya sekondale.
Nthawi zambiri kuno kumalawi mwana akakhoza mayeso, makolo amatha kumpasa mwana wawo mphatso ngati mbali imozi yosangalala kuti mwanayo wachitabwno.

Ndukumbukira nthawi imene ndinali ku sukulu ya mkomba phala, makolo anga anandgulira buluku ndi msapato za kusukulu ngati mphatso ya chipambano changa.Zinali zinthu zosangalasa kwa ine kuchoka ku mkomba phala kupita ku sekondale.
Chisangalalo changa chimamka nachikulira maka ndkaganiza kuti ndikusiya kuvala kabudula ndipo ndizivala buluku ku kusukulu.

Powonjezedra apo, moyo wakusendale sukulu ndi winawina.
Sukulu za sekondale monga mwa masukulu enaso mmapezeka anthu amitundu yosiyanasiyana.
Ana amaphumzira zinthu zosiyanasiyana kudzera mmasewero komanso mkalasi,.
Ubale umene sukulu imamanga pakati pa ophunzira umakaha wamphamvu.Kumakhala kosavuto kuti ophunzira azikopelana kapena kuti kutengelana mkhalidwe.
Ngakhale izi zili chomwechi, ndalama zolipilira kusukulu za sekondale zimavuta.
Tikhoza kunena kuti mwina chifukwa amakhala makolo sanazolowere kulipilira ana awo,.
Chinanso mchakuti ana ambiri amene amachitabwino mkalasi amakhala ochokera ku mabanja osauka.
Ndukumbukira, ndili sukulu ya mkomba phala, tinalemba ana 78 mayeso aboma, mwa ana amenewa 23 anasankhidwa kupita ku sekondale sukulu ya mdera, 10 anapita ku masekondale sukulu a boma, 12 anapita kumasekondale sukulu akuluakulu a boma.Mwa ana onsw amene tinachita bwno mayeso, ana 35 timachokera kuma banja osawuka.Pachifukwa chimenechi, ana ambiri kunali kovuta kupeza fizi yokayambila kusukulu zimene anasankhilidwa.
Ena anangopita kuti mwina chithandizo chikapezeka komweko.
Ana ena amabwezedwa kunyumba chifukwa chosow fizi pamene ena ochitika mwayi analipililidwa ndi anthu akufuna kwabwino.
Kupatula apo, ana ambiri mdziko la Malawi amalimbikila kwambiri ndicholinga chofuna kusankhidwa kupita ku sukulu za ukachenjede.Izi zimachitisa kuti ana ambiri asankhidwe mkupita ku sukuluzi.
Moyo msukulu za ukachenjede ndiovuta kwambiri.Chilichonse ndichodula kwambiri msukuluzi.Mwachisanzo kuno ku Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR)

fizi pa chaka chilichonse ndi k 420,000, pamene pa semister ndi K210,000, chakudya ndi K1,200 ndipo umayenera kuti ukhale ndi ndalama yosachepela K2,000 kuti ukwanise kugula chakudya cha mansana ndi mamzulo omwe.
Monga ndanena kale kuti ana ambiri amachokera ku mabanja osauka, ambiri sakwanisa moyo wodula ngati umenewu.
Mongowonjeza, boma lidakhazikisa bungwe lopeleka ngongole kwa ana ovutika amsukulu za ukachenjede lotchedwa Higher Education and Students’Loans and Grants Board.
Tsoka ndilakuti, Luanar si sukulu yokhayo ya ukachenjede muno mmalawi.
Muno mmalawi tili ndi chancellor college, polytechnic komanso college of medicine mongotchulapo ochepa.
Mkovuta kuti bungweli likwanise kupeleka fizi kwa mwana aliyense amene akuyenera kulandila chithandizochi kapena kuti ngongoleyi chifukwa ana amachuluka oguna chithandizochi.
Ana ambiri amasiyidwa kamba kavutoli.
Enaso amatengelapo mwayi mkumadya ndalama za ana ovutikazi zimene zili zosakjalabwino ayi.
Pano pa Luanar tinali ndi vuto la kuphonyeka kwa kalenda ya sukulu.
Izi zinali chomwechi chifukwa chakusekedwa kwa sukuluyi kaamba ka mulili wa covid 19.
Luanar sinalizw chaka chake monga momwe inayenera kupangila.
Bungwe lopereka ngongole litayamba kulandila mapempho kwa ophunzira opempha ngongole kudzela mmakalata amene linatulusa, kunali kovuta kuti ana achaka choyamba pano oa Luanar alembele.
Izi zinali chomwechi chifukwa chimodzi mwa ziyenerezo zimene bungeli limafuna ndi GPA (Accademic history).
GPA imafunika kuti iphatikizidwe limozi ku kalata ya pempho.
Ophunzira ambiri sanalembere pachifukwa chimenechi.
Akuluakulu a bungweli ata ndandaulilidwa za vutoli anameyesa nkhwangwa pa mwala kuti iwowo sapelekaso mwayi kwa amene sanalembele kuti alembere.
Pachifukwa chimenechi pali chiopsezo chakuti ana ambiri akhoza kusiya kapena kichosedwa sukulu chaka chikubwelachi chifukwa cha vuto la fizi.
Linanso mwa mwavuto amene adza chifukwa chakusowa fizi mchakuti pano pa Luanar ana ambiri kakhonzedwe ka ana okhumzidwa kalowa pansi.
Mwachisanzo, ana amene sanalipililidwe ndi bungwe la ngongole ndipo mwaokha sanakwanise kupeleka fizi, sanaloledwe kulembanawo mayeso omaliza a semister 1.
Ena atapeleka fizi yawo kudzela mwa anthu akufuna kwabwino zinapezekaso kuti sanapasidwe mayeso awo kuti alembe.

Izi zinali chomwechi mpaka titayandikila kulemba mayeso apakati pa semister ina mpamene amapasidwa kuti alembe.
Atamaliza kulemba tsabata sinakwane mkomwe mpamene timalembanawonso mayeso apakati pa semister.
Izizi zasokoneza ophumzirawa moti ana ambiri sanakwanise ngakhale kufika GPA ya 2.0 ngati momwe zimafunikila.
Potsiliriza, moyo waku sukulu ya ukachenjede ndiwovuta.
Ophunzira akuvutika kwabiri.
Patapezeka kuthekera kuti ophunzira akupansidwa fizi ndi chakusya zingachite bwino kwambiri maka pa sukulu ya ukachenjede ya Luanar.

Blogger: Chisomo Patrick Bisiasi
My name is Chisomo Patrick Bisiasi, a single man aged 25. Was born in a family of 8 currently it is a child headed family. I am an evangelist, with a mission of spreading the gospel across the country. Currently am doing my degree in Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management at Lilongwe university of Agriculture and natural resources (LUANAR).
Contact details: +265 998352220
WhatsApp: +265 887617753
Email: chisomobisiasi14@gmail.com
Nationality: Malawi
District of origin: Thyolo District (Luchenza)
Residential District: Lilongwe (Bunda campus)