Deported Malawian workers in Israel face K8.5 million debt bomb

In a shocking turn of events, 12 Malawian workers who were deported from Israel for alleged breach of contract are facing a difficult situation.

This comes after they were arrested and deported for leaving their designated farms to seek better pay elsewhere.

The workers, who were part of a government labor export program aimed at providing employment and generating foreign exchange, are now facing a double whammy.

Not only have they lost their jobs and been deported, but they also owe a significant amount of money to the employment agencies that facilitated their trip.

According to The Nation Newspaper, each worker is expected to repay around $5,000 (approximately K8.5 million), which was used to cover visa and air ticket costs.

However, some of the deportees have reportedly changed their contact numbers, leaving the agencies with a challenge in recovering the debt.

“They [the workers] entered into a contract which, among others, obliges them to pay back for some costs. They remain liable until they have paid back. That’s all we can say for now,” said Justice Kangulu, Managing Director of Workers for Arava Farmers, an agency whose clients are among the deportees.

Kangulu added that, “We were supposed to deduct the repayments for a period of nine months. Thereafter, they would be free.”

This development raises questions about the terms and conditions of the labor export program and the protection of workers’ rights.

While the program aimed to provide employment opportunities, it appears that the workers were not adequately protected from exploitation.

Furthermore, reports of Malawian workers in Israel receiving less than the minimum wage have surfaced, with some earning as little as 18-20 shekels (K8,200-K9,125) per hour, compared to the minimum wage of 32 shekels (K14,600) per hour.

As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how the Malawian government will address the concerns of its citizens who have been affected by this labor export program.

Will the government take steps to protect the rights of its workers and ensure that they are not exploited? Only time will tell.

The post Deported Malawian workers in Israel face K8.5 million debt bomb appeared first on Malawi Voice.



