Zambian Lady Disses Men for Not Being Serious and Fearful to Propose to Beautiful Women but Opt for Prostitut3s

A Zambian woman named Joyce Chauma has taken to social media to express her frustration with men who she claims are afraid of proposing to beautiful women like herself.

Joyce posted on social media that men are being childish and opting for prostitutes instead of women who have more to offer than just their looks.

Joyce’s post has sparked a lot of debate on social media, with many people expressing their opinions on the matter.

Some people agree with Joyce and believe that men are not being serious enough in their relationships, while others argue that Joyce’s statement is unfair and paints all men with the same brush.

She wrote…

Joyce Chama writes….. “Zambian men are childish, they fear to propose beautiful respective women like me in preference for hulez. This year if I won’t get married, I will get married to any male patient am nursing in my hospital. Don’t blame us when we start going out with our patients. Nalanda napwisha.



