Woman under fire for wishing well her ex on his wedding day (see this)

A wøman has gotten more than she bargained for after she sent a message online to wish her ëx bõyfriend, Michael John Mukange, well in his marriage.

The lady whose name has been revealed by her ëx bõyfriend in a screenshøt sharëd on his page was seemingly too attached to Mukange and couldn’t let his wedding pass without doing what most wouldn’t do – sending a message to a page to wish an ëx well.

The rëactions from netizens aren’t anything one would wǐsh for. “Chibaba ka réjected balløt ”, commented one while many others called her “chǐldish” and “pëtty”.

One accused the lädy of acting out of emøtions and hunger “especially if hë [was] even fëëding your ëntire vǐllage” and advised her to “môve on ba cee”.

After seeing the post, her ëx böyfriend went on to comment about how he is mǎrried to prëtty wöman Anastasia Pinky Mukange.

This comment displeäsed the ëx gǐrlfriend who turnëd to WhâtsApp inböx and asked Mukange why he spoke about märrying a prëtty wöman.

In another comment, Mukange responded to a netizen that he was in a bättle after dümping the ëx to märry his swëethëart, Anastasia.


The post Woman under fire for wishing well her ex on his wedding day (see this) appeared first on Face of Malawi.



