Mangochi district director of education, youth and sports Rabson Kawalala has commended Edukans Foundation for training teachers to improve performance in the district.
He said this on Saturday after Edukans Foundation trained teachers from four primary schools from Senior Chief Katuli on active teaching and learning methodologies.
Kawalala said the organisation’s Eco-Star School Project is concentrating on teacher-centred approaches.
“The teachers have been empowered to focus on learner-centred approaches,” he said.
Kawalala makes a presentation
Kawalala also said the project has improved inclusive education in the district.
Edukans Foundation education project coordinator Thomas Kanjodo said their project is focusing on teaching and learning methodologies that bring an impact in schools as well as teaching children environmental issues.
“We want children to learn about the environment besides concentrating on the academic aspect,” he said.
Kanjodo said they will conduct activities in the four targeted schools to achieve their objective of promoting quality education and sustainable and healthy livelihoods among marginalised children in primary schools.
Katuli Zone primary school education adviser Sylvester Mpapa said the project has improved performance through teacher-training in active teaching, learning methodologies and communication.
Edukans Foundation is implementing the project in collaboration with the Catholic Church Archdiocese of Lilongwe with funding from Wilde Ganzen Organisation and Edukans New Zealand.
The post Teachers hone skills to improve performance first appeared on The Nation Online.
The post Teachers hone skills to improve performance appeared first on The Nation Online.