St Lukes Hospital Clinical Officer suspended for defiling his biological daughter

Management at St Lukes Hospital in Zomba has with immediate effect suspended its clinical officer suspected to have defiled his three-year-old daughter.

In an interview, chief hospital administrator Winasi Boma says the suspension is pending the outcome of the court case.

He said: “Management arrived at this decision this morning at its emergency meeting. Management will make further decisions based on the outcome of the court case.”

Over the weekend police in Zomba arrested the clinical officer for the alleged offence.

According to the police, the mother left the baby home under the care of her father only to notice something strange on the baby’s private parts when she got back home in the evening.

She then reported the matter to Domasi Police Post and the baby was referred to Domasi Rural Hospital where defilement was confirmed.

The clinical officer will appear in court soon.







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