SPC warns against documents leaks

SPC warns against documents leaks

Secretary to the President and Cabinet (SPC) Colleen Zamba has cautioned public officers against leaking official documents on social media, calling it an act of indiscipline.

Speaking in Lilongwe yesterday when she opened a three-day training for senior administrative officers in government ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs), she said such conduct breeds perceptions that the civil service has lost its professionalism.

Said Zamba: “I want to agree with the feedback out there that the civil service has lost its position. We need to bring it back, it’s not an option.

“In every organisation there are procedures and regulations of operating, you cannot just wake up and throw something on social media. That’s not the way we operate. If there is an issue, you bring it to the attention of proper structures that were set.”

Zamba: Bring back the lost glory

She cited limited understanding of major competencies that go with the job, their roles, policies, analysis and critical thinking and communication as some of the gaps that need to be addressed in the public service cadre of administrative officers.

Malawi School of Government director general Asiyati Chiweza said through the training, they expect the civil servants to be equipped with skills and knowledge on how to conduct their work to ensure that they are delivering on the country’s development agenda.

Ministry of Mining Principal Secretary Joseph Mkandawire said it is crucial that civil servants work with dedication to deliver according to the needs of Malawians.

The training has targeted directors, deputy directors, principal administrative officers and under-secretaries in the administration departments of all MDAs.

The post SPC warns against documents leaks appeared first on The Nation Online.



