Open Letter to Mzuni Vice Chancellor Prof. Singini Regarding Delayed Graduation Ceremony

By Concerned Mzuni Students

Dear Mr. Vice Chancellor,

It is with deep concern and a sense of urgency that we address you today regarding the prolonged delay in organizing the graduation ceremony for us students who completed our studies last semester at the [Mzuzu] University.

We recognize the recent exposés that have plagued our university, which have garnered negative media attention. However, rather than dwell on these issues, our primary concern in this letter is a matter that significantly affects the prospects of Mzuzu University students moving forward.

Specifically, we are profoundly troubled by the significant delay in conducting the graduation ceremony for us students who have fulfilled all academic requirements last semester. Unlike other reputable institutions such as the University of Malawi, where graduation ceremonies are promptly held, in most cases, a few weeks after the opening of the first semester of the new academic year; our university has failed to provide timely recognition to its graduating students.

This delay has far-reaching consequences for us as students. Without official documentation of our degrees, we are at a significant disadvantage in pursuing employment opportunities as well as scholarship opportunities. Employers prefer candidates who possess tangible proof of their qualifications, and the absence of a formal graduation ceremony to be conferred our degree certificates leaves us unable to compete effectively in the job market. Lately, we’ve observed our peers applying for positions at the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) and now they’re pursuing vacancies at ESCOM, among other employers. Meanwhile, we’re left to watch, knowing that no serious employer would give serious consideration to an application accompanied by a mere “to whom it may concern” letter when other candidates are submitting copies of their degree certificates. The peers in question are those from the University of Malawi who finished their studies around the same time as us. However, unlike us, their university promptly arranged graduation ceremonies, in fact on two consecutive days, for them while we are still left waiting unnecessarily.

In our view therefore, the failure to organize a timely graduation ceremony reflects poorly on the administration’s commitment to student welfare and academic excellence. It is unacceptable that bureaucratic inefficiencies should hinder the advancement of students who have diligently completed their studies.

As stakeholders in our education and future prospects, we implore you to take immediate action to address this issue. The university’s official calendar shows that the graduation ceremony was scheduled for May 17, 2024, just two weeks away. However, there has been no communication on this matter to date, suggesting that the prospect of a graduation on this date is now highly unlikely. Truth be told; this is hubris on your part and without fear of any contradiction, this disregard for students’ interests and aspirations is emblematic of institutional mediocrity and managerial incompetence.

We demand accountability and decisive leadership from the university administration. If necessary, we will escalate our concerns to the Chancellor, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera, to ensure that our voices are heard, rubble—if it pleases him—removed, and our rights upheld.

In conclusion, we urge you to prioritize the organization of the graduation ceremony without further delay. Whether conducted in person or virtually, all we need is our degree certificates in order to enable us pursue our career aspirations and contribute to the nation’s development.

We await your prompt response and action on this matter in the form of a communication as to when graduation will be conducted. Should you choose to disregard this open letter, we reiterate that we will not hesitate to escalate this matter to the attention of the pro-youth Chancellor, Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and you will have yourselves to blame for your insensitivity, lack of patriotism, indifference and incompetency shall he decide to replace you.  

In our well-considered view, it is imperative for you to recognize that Mzuzu University is a public institution, and that those entrusted with its stewardship inherently are duty-bound to prioritize the welfare of the Malawian people above all else. Should we give credence to the intel that you are pushing the opposition agenda with this unnecessary graduation delay to pit us youthful [students] voters against Chakwera on the road to 2025?  


Concerned and Disgruntled Students Awaiting Graduation.

The post Open Letter to Mzuni Vice Chancellor Prof. Singini Regarding Delayed Graduation Ceremony appeared first on Malawi Voice.



