Old Mutual takes financial management to Master of Ceremonies

Old Mutual Malawi continues to impart the citizens with various financial skills with an aim of helping them to spend within their means at all times.

On Saturday, the company through its Financial Education Specialist Manager Bernard Chiluzi engaged with Master of Ceremonies trading under the banner Southern Region Master of Ceremonies Association of Malawi (SORMACA).

Chiluzi during the session

The session which lasted for over 2 hours manly centered on how the MCs can manage their finances by emulating the secrets of animals in the jungle namely; Lion, Elephant, Leopard, Rhino and Cheetah dabbled ‘secrets of the big five’.

Citing the ‘secret of Lion’ as an example, Chiluzi explained that after a successful hunting, the Lion start by feeding itself before all family members.

Through this example Chiluzi urged the MCs to save little something before spending every coin earned during their course of work.

Speaking after the session Old Mutual Malawi Marketing and Corporate Affairs Executive Patience Chatsika who was also the guest of honour at the event described the session as very beneficial to the MCs.

“As Old Mutual we have organized this event to provide financial well-ness to MCs who are based in the Southern Region of Malawi and its one of the platforms we have used to launch our bridal shower campaign but also to teach these MCs how best they can manage their finances.

“When we are talking of managing finances, we have got a special module which is called ‘On the Money’. This module touches in almost everything, we talk on investment, savings, how you can manage personal debt and also how you can manage your risks thus insurance and these MCs are privileged today to go through this module,” said Chatsika.

She, however bemoaned low Insurance penetration in the country which is currently at 2.5 percent.

On his part SORMACA President Patrick Kavina described the whole session as an eye opener to the MCs in the country and he urged Old mutual to continue engaging them on various economic issues and some new products that the company is bringing on the market.

A total of 130 MCs took part in the training.

The post Old Mutual takes financial management to Master of Ceremonies appeared first on Face of Malawi.



