Ntcheu School Committe Secures Masters Degree For Scholarship For 2 Secondary School Teachers

The Ntcheu Secondary School Awards Initiative Committee say it has secured Masters Degree scholarship slots that will be offered to two teachers at the institution who will produce higher distinctions in this year’s 2024 Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) examination.

Its Chairperson Kingsley Gwaza says they have partnered with two institutions of higher education in India and China as they aim to motivate the teachers to revive the school’s academic standards which have for year’s faced students indiscipline.

He said this yesterday during the award of best ten outstanding form four students in the MSCE mock examinations which saw nine boys and a girl each being awarded with monetary incentives.

Meanwhile, the school’s head teacher Jilles Puma hopes the awards will compel both teacher and students to work extra hard to excel in their academic journey.

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