NGO empowers communities

NGO empowers communities

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has drilled 201 community members in Sub-Traditional Authority (ST/A) Mwangolera in Karonga District in making manure and briquettes and sow tree-seedlings.

Speaking on Thursday during the graduation of the participants, CRS Malawi Green Corps project manager Baxton Chirombo said they wanted to empower the community members economically.

“The project also seeks to protect the environment through planting trees and applying manure in gardens to restore soil fertility,” he said.

A youth gets a certificate from ST/A Mwangolera

ST/A Mwangolera commended CRS for the training, saying the skills in making cement blocks, briquettes and manure will address deforestation in the area.

“Again, the skills have the potential to create jobs for youths,” he said.

On his part, Lupembe Ward councillor Elisha Winga, who represented Karonga District Council chairperson Misheck Mwaijengo, said there was need for members of Parliament to support such initiatives.

One of the participants, Clement Munyenyembe commended CRS for the training.

“We have learned sustainable practices such as reforestation and soil conservation. But beyond these practical skills, we have also acquired a sense of responsibility to protect our environment,” he said.

Munyenyembe urged the beneficiaries to use the skills to make manure to improve crop production.

With funding from United Nations Development Programme, CRS is implementing the two-year project in 10 districts to advance sustainable and green economic growth while empowering youths in business and life skills.

The project seeks to improve livelihood and income generation among communities.

The post NGO empowers communities appeared first on The Nation Online.



