MPs move to promote children’s welfare

MPs move to promote children’s welfare

 Parliament has passed a motion to table a Bill that will help the operationalisation of the National Children’s Commission.

Despite the passage of the Bill two years ago and an allocated K100 million, the country has not been able to establish and have the commission.

Speaking in an interview Dedza North legislator Savel Kafwafwa, who is expected to bring the Bill to the House, said the proposed Bill seeks to amend the National Children’s Commission Act as it has conflicting sections that are preventing appointment of commissioners.

Kafwawa: We need the commission

He said: “When the Bill was brought to Parliament, there were some suggestions to do some amendments at that time. They changed a few sections but those sections are now in conflict with other sections.

“Government allocated resources for the National Children’s Commission but when it came to recruiting the people and when they checked the law on who should be recruited, it was when it was found that the sections were not talking to each other.”

He said because of the conflict, it has been impossible for the commissioners to be appointed and given their posts.

Kafwafwa said once the commission is in place it will help promote the welfare of children.

“If you see laws to do with children, you will find that there are a number of conflicting issues. The commission will be looking into such issues,” he said.

In an interview yesterday, Foundation for Children’s Rights executive director Jenipher Mkandawire hailed Parliament’s move, saying the absence of the commission is affecting the progress of many issues concerning children.

Human Rights Defenders Coalition chairperson Gift Trapence also commended Parliament for taking steps to ensure that the National Children’s Commission is functional.

He said: “The appointment of commissioners is a long overdue issue. Children and the youth have so many challenges which the commission, if fully constituted, will tackle.”

Malawi is one of the few countries that do not have a children’s commission. The commission is supposed to look into affairs of children and coordinate activities to do with children.

The new Bil l wi l l help address the issues, especially to do with how commissioner s and chairpersons of the commission are to be appointed.

Once in place, the commission will look into affairs of children and coordinate children’s activities

The post MPs move to promote children’s welfare appeared first on The Nation Online.






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