MP Ben Phiri questions rationale of putting early childhood centres under Gender Ministry

MP Ben Phiri

Member of Parliament for Thyolo Central Ben Phiri has questioned the rationale of putting early childhood centres under the Ministry of Gender, Community Development and Social Welfare and not under the Ministry of Education.

Phiri asked this to the responsible Minister during question time in Parliament this morning.

Deputy Minister of Education came in to say there are still some ECD centres under the Ministry citing some centres in Zomba as examples.

Minister of Tourism Vera Kamtukule standing in for Minister of Gender said being a policy issue, the Minister of Gender will look into the issue and make necessary recommendations to government in liaison with other ministries.

Phiri also asked if it is prudent to leave the teaching in those centres in the hands of volunteers.

He said: “Are we sure that we would like to leave it in the hands of a volunteer?”

In a separate set of questions to the Minister of Homeland Security, member of Parliament for Dedza Central East Joshua Malango asked a supplementary question on what is takes for a police post to be turned into a police station.

” I have in mind a police post in Linthipe which saves a lot of people up to Mayani,” he said.

In response, Minister of Local Government Richard Chimwendo Banda , sitting for the Minister of Homeland Security said: “Linthipe is indeed a grown area, and Malawi Police Service will be willing to review if it can be turned into a police station.

“However, the police unit is still working and providing the security as required.”

Zomba Chisi, had the same question saying Jali Police post serves three constituencies including his own constituency, Zomba Ntonya and Zomba Thondwe. (Nation

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