Mob kills three over witchcraft allegations

Police in Nkhata Bay District have instituted investigations to arrest suspects who killed three elderly people (a male and two females) in the district, over witchcraft allegations.

The deceased persons have been identified as Mbiri Kamphapa Banda who was Village Headman Kamphapa, Fainess Simwaka of Munguwo Village and Lasuti Silimbweru of Mbale Village all from Traditional Authority Timbiri in Nkhata Bay District.

The incident followed the death of Lyson Msopole of Mbale Village in the district, a teacher at Chonanga Primary School who died mysteriously on January 21, 2022 few months after being employed.

The death raised eye brows of his relatives who attributed it to witchcraft saying the mentioned victims had bewitched him.

On January 22, 2022 evening just before burial of the teacher’s remains, the angry relatives went on rampage invading houses of the accused people and killed them.

Following the report, a team of Police Officers was immediately deployed to the scene but on arrival, the perpetrators had already escaped.

The Police wish to advise members of the community to avoid accusing the elderly people of practicing witchcraft as this is against the law which does not recognise it.






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