Machinga intensifies fight against waterborne diseases

Machinga intensifies fight against waterborne diseases


Machinga District director of health and social services Jones Chise says the district has no cholera cases due to a number of interventions employed to curb the pandemic.

Speaking at Machinga District Hospital on Monday when Heart to Heart Foundation donated K18.5 million worth of drugs, he said the “zero cholera” status has been achieved due to the cordial relationship between healthcare workers and people in the surrounding communities.

He said apart from treating those diagnosed with cholera and other abdominal infections, the district also invested in health promotion messages centred on infection prevention.

“Cholera and other waterborne diseases are costly to cure; hence, investing in prevention measures,” he said.

Heart to Heart country director Maxwell Chiputula said health facilities need enough medical supplies to support infection prevention from the grassroots level.

Chiputula (C) hands over some drugs to Matewere assisted by Nari Jeong

He said the donated medical supplies are meant to be channelled to the district’s health centres to complement infection prevention initiatives they are already undertaking.

“The foundation is committed to strengthening the ability of health facilities to respond to infectious diseases and strengthen safe drinking water in communities,” he said.

With support from the Korean International Corporation Agency, Heart to Heart Foundation is implementing a Community-based Wash Improvement Project in traditional authorities Ngokwe, Mizinga, Chikweo, Mtumbwinda and Adamson targeting at least 64 980 people.

The post Machinga intensifies fight against waterborne diseases first appeared on The Nation Online.



