Ladies checkout 7 signs your man is cheating on you

It doesn’t take a lot to find out that your man is cheating; there are the usual warning signs.

So, what are the clues that your man is cheating on you;

1. He has a close female friend and he tells you not to worry about her

Sometimes, you feel like there is a third wheel in the relationship because he is always helping a close female friend out.

Whenever you say, “Is that Bisi again?” he tells you “It’s nothing, you are overthinking it” or he says that he is a naturally kind person.

You should be his best friend and no one should be closer to him than you.

If he helps people out, that’s fine, but if it is just one woman all the time, that’s a red flag.

2. He acts dissatisfied with the relationship

If you can feel that he is wary of the relationship, he complains about things that he didn’t complain about before, it is a red flag.

Suddenly, your food isn’t good enough or you have no respect or the way she washed the dishes was just wrong.

3. He is never around

He doesn’t give you the time of the day. He is always busy, coming back late from the office, traveling for work, a friend’s birthday or one thing or the other.

Phone calls are less, he hardly wants to meet up and you feel alone in the relationship.

4. The sex feels different

The sex can either feel better or worse. It may happen more frequently or less. He might try new things or he might withdraw completely.

5. You have a feeling that he is cheating

This is different from unreasonable suspicion. Perhaps, things have been going well, but you start feeling unsettled all of sudden.

If you have the feeling that your man is cheating, there is a very high chance that he is in fact cheating.

6. Seeing female supplies in his house or car

The clearest sign he is cheating on your is seeing female supplies like powder, lipgloss, hairbrush or earrings.

7. He clears his chats and dissappearing messages is on whatsApp

But perhaps the most clear sign that he is cheating is reading suspicious texts, but if there is no way to read his text messages because he always clears his chats, then you are in trouble.






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