Judiciary invites CDEDI over Illovo’s Sugar Price Injunctions

Judiciary has invited Centre for Democracy and Economic Development Initiatives (Cdedi) to a meeting this morning following its request to Chief Justice Rizine Mzikamanda to intervene on two injunctions Illovo Sugar Malawi Limited obtained against sugar price reduction.

Cdedi executive director Sylvester Namiwa has confirmed receiving an invitation from registrar of the High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal Kondwani Banda.

Said Namiwa: “Judiciary has indeed invited us to discuss the issue this morning in Lilongwe. This follows a letter we, as a mouth-piece of the voiceless citizenry and in exercise of our governance watchdog role, wrote the chief justice imploring him as head of Judiciary to take over the matter.”

In its letter dated May 8 2024, titled ‘Request to intervene on the Illovo injunction against sugar price reduction’, Cdedi observes taking over the matter would “not only ensure that justice is served but also seen to be delivered.”

Cdedi’s request to the Chief justice comes barely a week after a similar request to Attorney General Thabo Chakaka Nyirenda imploring him to swiftly act on the two injunctions.

Illovo obtained the injunctions last year against the Competition and Fair Trading Commission (CFTC), the Ministry of Trade and Industry and the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

The injunctions restrict CFTC from prosecuting Illovo for alleged unfair competition, the DPP from commencing criminal proceedings for alleged violation of Competition and Fair Trading Act and the ministry from effecting a 25 percent sugar price cut.

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