Jnr queens on song

 Jnr queens on song

 The Junior Queens yesterday maintained their 100 percent start at the Netball World Youth Cup 2025 Africa qualifiers in Pretoria, South Africa after beating Kenya and Tanzania.

After sweeping aside Tanzania 64-24 earlier in the morning, it was not a stroll in the park for the Malawi Under-21 national netball team which had to shake off some early lethargy to beat the Kanyans 42-38 in a highly pulsating contest at University of Pretoria’s Rembrandt Hall.

It was a third straight victory for the Junior Queens, who beat Namibia 48-23 in their opening match on Sunday.

Despite their remarkable run, Malawinare second in the seven-team tournament behind hosts South Africa’s Baby Spar Proteas by three points.

In a match monitored on SABC, the Kenyans started with a first quarter blitz that had the Junior Queens gasping for air.

The East Africans led for the better part of the first quarter and at some point with three-baskets until the final moments when the Junior Queens came out of their shell to level the baskets before taking the lead for the first time in the final minute to lead 9-8.

Matelazi attempts a shot
at goal against Namibia

It was a wake-up call for Malawi who came into the second quarter with renewed purpose.

At the heart of their resurgence was Marieta Harrison who kept the engines running at the centre of the court by thwarting Kenya’s moves and providing shooter Stellah Matelazi with crisp passes.

The Junior Queens led 21-19 at half time and come the third quarter, they suffocated life out of the Kenyans with Matelazi proving a handful and converting almost every attempt.

Malawi led 33-29 at the end of the third quarter and held on to their nerve to wrap it up with a 42-38 win.

The Junior Queens will line-up against the hosts in a top-of-the-table clash this evening from 5pm.

Malawi assistant coach Cecilia Mtukule- Bondwe conceded that it was a tough match.

She said: “It was really tough, I thought it wouldn’t be that intense. We struggled in the first two quarters, but I am happy that we have won the game.

“I think fatigue also contributed because we had another game earlier on. It was a 50-50 game. We thought they would use their trademark long passes, but they opted for short passes and that somehow affected our plan.”

In the earlier match against neighbours Tanzania, Malawi led 15-8 in the first quarter and were up 31-1 at half time.

At the end of the third quarter, Malawi led 48-21 and did it to perfection in last quarter with a 40-basket margin win. To spice it up, Malawi captain Shabel Bengo, who also plays for the senior team, was named player of the match.

The four top teams will qualify for the global showpiece to be hosted Giblartar next year

The post  Jnr queens on song first appeared on The Nation Online.

The post  Jnr queens on song appeared first on The Nation Online.



