気候が良ければ、その年は多くの収穫が見込めますが、農業に適さない環境であれば、ほとんど収穫は見込めません。 悲しいことに、マラウイの飢えた人々の大半は村に住んでいます。
例えば、K 3,000を借りた場合、2ヶ月以内に支払わなければならないK 1,000の利息が請求されます。
これは、K 4,000の未払い金を支払うことを意味します。
もし、自分の口座にK 20,000があれば、ローンで支払った利息が自分の口座に追加されるため、K 21,000を持つことになるのです。
ローンを利用すれば、小規模なビジネスも可能になります。 一定期間後に融資と利息を返済できるほどの利益を上げても、ビジネスに投資するための資金が残っている人もいるのです。
- グループのリーダーはメンバーに連絡し、それぞれが借りている未払いの金額を収集する権利を持っている。
- 債権回収業者は配偶者を含む家族の前でメンバーの借金について尋ねないように決められている。
- グループのメンバーがグループミーティングに遅れて到着した場合(1時間遅れる)、そのメンバーは遅延料を支払うことになります。
- メンバーが明確な理由があってグループミーティングに出席できない場合は、会議の前に相応しいコミュニケーション媒体(特に手紙)を介してそれを認める必要があります。
- 18歳以上の個人のみがグループに参加することができ、具体的な理由を述べずに3日間連続でミーティングに参加しなかったメンバーは自動的に退会となり、メンバーが合意した期間内に借入額を支払わない場合は、支払うべき金額に別の利息が加算されます。
また、他のメンバーは、食べ物や衣服などの物資で病気のメンバーを助けるかもしれません。また、畑の準備、植え付け、草取り、収穫など、さまざまな農作業でメンバー同士が助け合うグループもあります。 次の写真は、村の銀行から融資を受け、小規模なビジネスを始めたグループのメンバーです。

一人では一週間かかる作業も、グループ(20〜30人)なら一日で終わる。 一方、お年寄りには大きなメリットがあります。

しかし、村銀行のメンバーが利用できる融資は十分とは言えません。 村の銀行と商業銀行を結びつけ、村銀行のメンバーが商業銀行から融資を受けられるようにすることが必要です。
Life in villages is at least fair as compared to life in town.
The best part about life in villages is that different materials are for free e.g., water and firewood.
Most of the people in village possess enough land to grow their own food.
A lot of things more especially farm produces are relatively of low cost as compared to prices in town.
However, life in village is unpredictable.
It is possible for a family to have enough food this year and to be hit by hunger the following year.
Climate is the determinant of famine and bumper harvest in Malawi generally.
A conducive climate will allow people to harvest more that year and if the condition or climate is not conducive for farming little can be earned.
The sad note is that the vast majority of the country’s hungry people live in villages.
The introduction of village banks has made the issue of hunger in villages to be at least kept at a minimal.
Village bank is an informal self-help support group of 20-30 members.
Both males and females are allowed to join the group but most predominantly females head of the households.
This banking system is implemented in economically challenged environment with an intention to help those that cannot get loans from traditional financial institutions, and it is also called local community bank.
Group members are given equal chances to borrow money from the bank.
The group being governed by rules and regulations, members who borrow money from the institution are charged an interest on top of the amount borrowed.
The amount of interest charged is determined by the principal amount and the compounding period.
The other good part is that the interest you pay is added to the amount in your account.
As time goes by and you keep on borrowing and paying the amount agreed, the sum of the interest you pay will be calculated and added to amount in your account.
For instance, if you borrow a sum of K3,000 and you have been charged an interest of K1,000 that you must pay within a period of two months.
It means that you will pay an accrued amount of K4,000.
If you had K20, 000 in your account, you would have K21,000 because the interest that you paid for the loan will be added to your account.
The services that the village banks offer are very helpful.
People are able to do small scale businesses when they access the loan.
It is possible to others that after a given period, they make a profit that they can pay back the loan and interest and still remain with some amount to invest in their businesses.
In addition to that, for any institution to work smoothly it has to be governed by rules and regulations.
Village bank is one of the local institutions that works under its rules and regulations.
Some the rules and regulations are; the leaders of the group have the right to contact you and collect any unpaid amount that you owe, debit collectors are bound not to ask about the debt a member in front of the family members including spouses, if a member of the group arrives at the group meeting late (late with an hour) then he or she will pay a late fee, if a member will not manage to attend a group meeting due to tangible reasons he or she must admit it before the meeting through a good medium of communication especially a letter, only individual who are 18 years or above are allowed to join the group, any member who fails to attend the meeting for three consecutive meeting days without giving a tangible reason will be withdrawn automatically and if a member fails to pay the amount he or she borrowed within the agreed period of time another interest shall be added to the amount supposed to be paid.
These and other rules, regulations and eligibilities govern the group.
On top of that, another advantage of village bank is that it encourages sharing and caring.
The group members help each other.
For instance, when a member is sick, members can buy medicine for him or her.
Others may help the sick member with materials like food and clothes. In other groups members help each other in different farming activities such as ridging, planting, weeding, and even harvesting.
The following picture shows a group member’s small-scale business after accessing a village bank loan.

Working in groups is more effective than working alone.
The work that can take one week to be completed by one individual can be completed in a single day by a group of people (20-30 people).
On the other hand, old people benefit a lot.
With the group work they are able to complete almost all the farming activities.
Excluding that, the village banks save people from hunger.
The disbursement of money to the group members is mostly done in December or January.
The bank members prefer to access their share from the bank in one of these months.
December and January are the difficulty months in village.
Maybe because others fail to harvest enough food that they can use from march (harvesting month) to the next march.
The share that the members get from the group during this period help them to fix a lot of problems in their families.
The following picture shows people cerebrating as they are getting their shares.

In conclusion, village banks help a lot of people especially those in villages.
Nevertheless, the loans that village bank group members access are mostly not enough.
There is a need to bring a link between village banks and commercial bank that will allow village bank members to access loans from commercial banks.
Moyo wakumudzi ndiwabwino kwambiri poyelekeza ndi moyo wamtauni.
Zinthu zambiri kumudzi ndizaulele kusiyana ndi mtauni.
Zinthu monga madzi, nkhuni zophikira komanso zipatso zambiri sitigula.Zokolora zamitundu yosiyanasiyana monga chimanga, mtedza, komanso nandolo zimakhala zotchipilapo mtengo kuno kumudzi poyelekeza ndi mitengo yake mtauni.Ngakhale izi zili chomwechi, moyo wakumudzi ndiwovuta kwambiri.
Zimatheka banja mkukolora phwamwamwa chakachino, chaka chosatilacho osakolora zokwanira.
Kuno kumalawi nyengo ndimene imalotsera ngati kukhale njala kapena ayi mchaka chilichonse.
Ngati nyengo ilibwino, anthu amakolora bwino mchaka chimenecho, koma ngati silibwino zimavutilapo.
Chodandaulisa mkukhala kuti anthu ambiri kuno kumudzi amakhudzidwa ndi muliri wa njala nthawi zambiri.Kukhadzikitsidwa kwa mabanki mkhonde kwathandiza kwambiri pankhani za njalazi.
Banki mkhonde ndi gulu lokhala ndi anthu okwana 20 kapena osapitilira 30.
Gululi, limalora amuna ndi akadzi omwe kulijoina ngakhale kwambiri limachuluka ndi azimayi.
Nthawi zambiri guluri limakhazikisidwa kumadera amene anthu amvutika kwambiri komanso kumene anthu sapeza mwayi omabweleka ndalama ku mabanki akulu-akulu ndipo limatchedwanso kuti banki mmudzi.Mamembala amene ajoyina, amapatsidwa mwayi ofanana obweleka ndalama.
Gulu la banki nkhonde limalamulidwa kapena kuti kuyendesedwa ndi malamulo ake.
Membala akabweleka ndalama kugululi amatchajidwa chiwongola zanja chimene amayenera kupeleka pambali pa ndalama imene wabweleka.
Mulingo wa chiwongola zanjachi umatengera mulingo wa ndalama zimene membalayo wabweleka komonso nthawi wapatsidwa kuti azakhale atabweza ngongole imene watenga.
Chosangalasa mkukhala kuti, chiwongola zanja chimene umayenera kupeleka pamwamba pa ndalama zimene wabweleka ukapeleka, zimaphatikizidwa ku ndalama zimene ulinazo kuthumba.
Membala akamabweleka mowilikiza mkumabweza ndi chiwongola zanja chomwe, amakhala akupanga phindu chifukwa ndalama zonse za chiwongola zanja chake zimaphatikizidwa ku ndalama zake zakuthumba.
Mwachitsanzo ukabweleka K3,000 mkulamulidwa kuti pozabweza uzabweze ndi chiwongola zanja chokwana K1,000.
Zimatanthauza kuti pozabweza ngongole yako uzabweza K4,000.
Ngati unali ndalama zokwana K20,000 kuthumba, ukadzabweza ngongole imene wabweleka pamodzi ndi chiwongola zanja uzakhala ndi ndalama zokwana K21,000 kuthumba chifukwa K1,000 imene wapeleka amayiphatikiza pa ndalama yako yakuthumba.
Mabanki mkhonde amathandiza kwambiri. anthu ena amakwanisa kubweleka ndalama kugulu mkupangila bizinesi.
Nthawi yobweza ngongole mkubweza koma mkusalaso ndi ndalama ina yawo yoti mkumapitiliza bizinesi yawo.
Kuphatikizira apo, kuti bungwe kapena gulu liziyenda bwino pamayenera pakhale malamulo oyendetsera gululo.
Gulu la banki mkhonde monga mwa magulu ena limagwira ntchito pansi pa malamulo ake.
Ena mwa malamulo agululi ndi monga; mtsogoleri wa banki mkhonde ali ndi kuthekera kofunsa ngongole membala amene wabweleka ndalama ku gululi koma sakubweza, membala asafunsidwe ngongole imene anabweleka kugulu pamaso pa banja lake komanso abale ake, membala amene wabwera mochedwa kugulu akuyenera kupeleka chiwongola zanja chifukwa chakuchedwa kwake (ngati wachedwa mpaka ola kutha), ngati membala sakwanisa kukhalanawo pankumano wagulu pazifukwa zomveka akuyenera kunena kugulu mwachangu tsiku la mkumano lisanakwane kudzera njira yabwino monga kulemba kalata, okhaokha amene akwanisa zaka 18 zakubadwa kapene kuposera apo ndi amene amaloredwa kujoyina gulu la banki nkhonde, membala amene wajomba kumkumano wagulu kwa matsiku atatu ondondozana popanda zifukwa zomveka amachosedwa gulu pompo-pompo komanso membala amene wabweleka ndalama kugulu koma sanabweze mu kanthawi kamene anapatsidwa amayenera apeleke chiwongola zanja chochulukilapo pambali pa ndalama ndi chiwongola zanja chimene analamulidwa koyambilira.Awa nd ena mwa malamulo amene gulu la banki mkhonde limagwiritsa ntchto.
Pamwamba pa chimenechi, mabanki mkhonde amalimbikisa mgwirizano komanso kuthandizana.
Mamembala agululi amathandizana munjira zosiyanasiyana.Mwachitsanzo, munthu akadwala amatha kusonkha ndalama mkumagula mankhwala mkukapeleka.Anthu ena amatha kukapeleka zinthu monga chakudya komanso zovala kwa odwalayo.
Mmagulu ena mamembala amathandizana pa nkhani zakumunda zosiyanasiyana monga kulima midzela, kudzala, kupalira angakhalenso kukolora.
Chithunzi chimene chili mmusichi chikuonesa imodzi mwa ma bizinesi ang’onoang’ono amene anthu amapanga akatenga ngongole ku banki mkhonde.

Kugwira ntchito mmagulu mkothandiza kwambiri kumaposa kugwira ntchto pawekha.Ntchto imene munthu amagwira kwa tsabata imodzi yekha, gulu la anthu osachepera 30 likhoza kuyigwira kwa tsiku limodzi.
Athu okalamba nawonso amapindula kwambiri ndi gululi.
Chifukwa cha mgwirizano ogwilira ntchto pamodzi, amathandizika pankhani za ntchto zambiri zakumunda.
Kupatula chimenechi, mabanki mkhonde amapulumusa anthu ambiri kunjala.Nthawi zambiri mamembala a banki mkhonde amagawana ndalama zakuthumba zimene aliyense amasonkha mmwezi wa December kapena january.
Miyezi iyi imasankhidwa chonchi pazifukwa.
Mmiyeziyi anthu ambiri amakhala alibe chimanga, ndalama komanso kuthekera kopeza zinthu ziwirizi.Ndalama zimene amalandila kugulu mu umodzi mwa miyezi iwiri imeneyi zimawathandiza kuthana ndi mavuto ambiri mmabanja mwawo.
chithunzi chili mmusichi chikuonesa anthu akusangalala patsiku logawana ndalama za banki mmudzi.

Mongophera mphongo, mabanki mkhonde amathandiza kwa mnanu anthu kuno kumidzi.Ngakhale izi zili choncho, ngongole zimene anthu amatenga kugulu nthawi zambiri zimakhala zosakwanira kupangila bizinesi yamphamvu.
Zikanakhala zinthu zabwino kwambiri pakanapezeka kuthekera koti anthu ammudzi azikwanisa kumabweleka ndalama ku mabanki akulu-akulu kudzera kumagulu a banki mmudzi.
Blogger: Feston Edvance Hippo
My name is Feston Edvance Hippo, a single man aged 24.Was born in a family of 2 children and am the last .Currently am doing my Bachelor’s degree in Agribusiness Management at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR).
Contact details: +265 996 262 285
WhatsApp : +265 883 747 855
Email : festonhippo000@gmail.com
Nationality : Malawi
District of Origin : Mulanje (Mzongwe village)
Residential District : Lilongwe (Bunda campus)