Ex Inspector General George Kainja in court

Justice Kenyatta Nyirenda is this morning expected to hear an application for a judicial review from the fired former Inspector General of Police George Kainja who is challenging his arrest by the Anti-Corruption Bureau-(ACB) in connection to Zuneth Sattar corruption related scandals.

Through his lawyer, Gift Nankhuni, Kainja applied for a stay against the bureau’s decision to arrest and prosecute him or any other person on corruption or any criminal charge based on information or evidence from the British National Crime Agency without the sanction of the Attorney General as required by law.

Kainja is building his case on another case where Sattar’s business associate, Ashok Nair, challenged ACB’s arrest.

ACB arrested Kainja on June 23 this year on suspicion that he received an advantage from Sattar on account of influencing a procurement contract reference number MPS/SB/16/ 04/2021 to supply 350, 000 food ration packs worth 7.9 million dollars to the police service.

President Lazarus Chakwera fired Kainja following a detailed report from the ACB that claimed that the former Police Chief received $8000 and a vehicle from Sattar.

Source: Malawi wathu



