
この病気は、解決策を見つけるのに長い時間がかかりました。特にジャガイモに依存している農家は、この病気で大きな損失を被ることとなり、この病気は、この地域の多くの農家の収穫を台無しにしました。 次の写真は、干ばつによってトウモロコシの収穫が台無しになった農場の様子です。

Malawians depend on many things.
They depend on farming, education and businesses. Both of these can be affected by change in climate.
Climate change is the change in weather patterns occurring over a long period of time.
It can be caused by many things.
These include deforestation and air pollution. Deforestation lives many areas bare, removing trees.
Trees absorb carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
When trees are carelessly removed carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases may accumulate in the atmosphere.
Greenhouse gases destroy the ozone layer by creating holes on it.
Through these holes, light rays from the sun are capable of travelling from the sun direct on to the earth surface.
On the other hand, pollutions particularly air pollution adds also amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
Gases from manufacturing industries pollutes the atmosphere.
Carbon dioxide and methane in the smoke from these industries and from other areas destroy the ozone layer.
Due to climate change, other areas like Mulanje are receiving abnormal rainfall that sometimes leads to floods.
Drought in other areas have ruined harvest of crops in fields of many farmers. Many parents in villages who depend on farming to support their children in schools, have also been affected. Businesses have gone down as other commodities are difficult to access due to poor roads.
To begin with in agriculture, climate change has affected many farmers. Many areas are affected by drought almost every year.
Crops fail to survive as some dry up. For instance, in 2021, drought hit farmers in Lilongwe.
Farmers prepared their farms earlier as usual hoping that they will receive rain in time.
They waited for rainfall for almost 2 months.
Others they began consuming the seeds they kept planting.
Crop like maize matures after a period of three months roughly.
In most areas in Malawi planting of different crops start in November.
Harvesting for maize is done in February or march. With change in climate farmers in Lilongwe planted their crops in late January.
To other farmers who kept little food to save them in the developing period of maize, which is three months, they suffered a lot with the change.
On top of that, climate change also has affected education.
Some areas in Malawi received heavy rains.
Other school infrastructures collapsed with the rain that was accompanied with strong winds. For example, heavy rains and strong wind disturbed students at Tsabango when they were writing their Malawi School Certificate of Education Exams in 2021.
The wind blew off roofs of some classrooms which were used.
Examination papers were destroyed with water. Not only this, but heavy rains in southern region also like in Mulanje induced floods.
Many buildings collapsed and roads were filled with water. There was a prolonged blackout due to the fact that many electric poles fallen.
The floods berried crops and some crops were carried with water leaving many farmers with nothing to fall back on.
Some farmers were to start from the scratch as some lost their houses and their crops in their farms.
Even after this period many students were failing to attend classes because of the situations in their homes.
The following picture shows a river after floods exposing stones when water carried the soil and other people’s properties surrounding the river.

Climate change can also cause many diseases both on crops and humans.
The high temperatures that accompany droughts may affect healthy of the humans.
The destroyed ozone layer allows direct sun rays from the sun to travel without being obstructed onto the earth.
The rays may cause other complications in bodies of humans.
With strong rays people may be susceptible to skin diseases like skin cancer.
Other pathogens are spread fast due to climate changes.
Some other pests and pathogens can survive in high temperatures only.
In low temperatures it may be difficult for them to spread or even to exist.
A change in climate can bring a conducive environment for such kind of pathogens and pests to survive.
For example, other potatoes fields in Ntcheu were attacked with a potato blight disease.
It was a new disease to many farmers.
Different types of chemicals were tried.
It took a long period of time to find a solution to this disease. Farmers especially those who depended much on potatoes were at risks of loses.
The disease ruined harvest of many farmers in the area.
The following picture shows a farm that has been affected with drought ruining the farmer’s maize harvest.

Climate change has affected other businesses.
The price of commodities and other materials can rise as weather related disasters may render these materials rarer or more difficult to access.
For instance, in Mulanje many people use cooking oil from Mozambique.
Business people were failing to access cooking oil from Mozambique amidst floods in February 2022.
The river that separated Malawi and Mozambique was flooded.
It was very difficult to travel from one side to another. The price of cooking oil and other commodities like spaghetti increased.
On the other hand, a change in climate can change a consumer demand for other goods and services.
This in turn can endanger some businesses markets.
For example, when temperature rise the need for cold weather goods like leggings may decline.
In conclusion, climate change is a barrier to many farmers, education system and even to business people.
Pest and pathogens are easily spread to humans and crops.
This is due to the fact that a change in climate sometimes provides a conducive environment for the pest and pathogens to survive and replicate.
The drought and floods in other areas in Malawi has caused many business people to find it difficult to access other commodities from different areas hence an increase in prices of commodities that are on high demand, but people are failing to access them.
The roads and other infrastructures were destroyed with floods in southern region and strong wind in most of the areas in Malawi.
On the other hand, the demand for other goods and services decline.
Other students whose parents depend on farming to earn money to support them are at risky too.
All in all, climate change is the barrier to other developments in Malawi.
Amalawi amadalira zinthu zosiyanasiyana.
Zina mwa izo ndi monga maphunziro, ulimi komanso zamalonda.Kusintha kwa nyengo kuno kumalawi kwakhunza zinthu zambiri kuphatikizapo zinthu zitatuzi.
Pali zinthu zambiri zimene zimayambisa kusintha kwa nyengo, zina mwa izo ndi monga kudula mitengo mwachisawawa komanso kuwononga mpweya.
Mitengo imatetezaso anthu munjila zosiyanasiyana.
Mitengo ina ndi mankhwala azitsamba amatenda ena ndi ena.
Mitengo ina imatipatsa zipaso zamitundu yosiyanasiyana.
Pambuyo pa zinthu ngati zimenezi mitengo imachosa mpweya oyipa.
Kudula kwa mitengo mosasamala kumachepesa mitengo yochosa mpweya woyipawu.
Mpweyawu ukawungana mlengalenga umawononga nthambo limene limatiteteza ife anthu komanso zomera ku kutentha kwenikweni kwa dzuwa.
Makampani ambiri makamaka opanga zinthu ndi amene amawononga mpweya kwambiri.
moto umene amagwiritsa ntchito pogwira ntchito zawo umatulusa utsi nthawi zambiri.
Mu utsi mmapezeka mpweya wosiyanasiyana owononga thambo.
Kusintha kwa nyengo kwapangisa kuti madera ena muno mmalawi azilandira mvula yopanda ndondomeko imene mmadera ena imathera mukusefukira kwa mitsinje yambiri.
Madera enaso amakhuzidwa ndi ng’amba chifukwa chakusintha kwa nyengo.
Madzi osefuka amatha kuwononga mbwewu, kugwetsa zinthu zophunziliramo komanso kupha anthu mkumene.
Pa nkhani za ulimi, kusintha kwa za nyengo kwakhuza alimi ambiri.
Malo ena ambiri kuno kumalawi akhudzidwa ndi ng’amba.
Ng’amba imawononga mbewu kwambiri.mbewu zambiri sizipilira kuchiwawu.
Ndi mbewu zochepa zokha monga chinangwa zimene zimapilira kuchiwawu.
Mwachitsanzo , alimi aku Lilongwe muchaka cha 2021, anakhuzidwa ndi vuto la kuchedwa kwa mvula.
Minda yambiri inatsotsedwa nthawi yabwino.
Alimi anadikilira mvula kuti igwe kwa miyezi iwiri mvura osagwa.
Ichi chinari chiyambi chamavuto.
Alimi ena amene anasunga chakudya chochepa polingalira kuti kwinako azakhala atakolora, anavutika kwambiri.
Ena anayamba kumagwiritsa ntchito mbewu zimene anasunga kuti azale chifukwa chosowa chakudya.
Mbewu ngati yachimanga imene anthu ambiri amayidalira kuno kumalawi, imatha pafupifupi miyezi itatu idakali mmunda kuti iche.
Nthawi zambiri imadzalidwa mu November.
Kuchedwa kwa mvula kunachitisa kuti anthu adzale ku mapeto a january.
Mvula imene inagwa inali yambiri komanso inatenga nthawi yaitali ikugwa.
nthaka yabwino inakokoloka ndi mvulayi.
Chuthunzi chili mmusimu chikuwonesa munda wachimanga umene mulimi sanakolole zokwanira chifukwa cha chilala.

Kuwonjedzera pamenepo, kusintha kwa nyengo kunakhuzaso maphunziro.
Katundu wambiri anawonongeka ku malo ambiri amene analandila mvula yamphamvu monga kumwera, nyumba zophunziliramo zina zinagwa.
Mwachitsanzo, Pamene ophunzira a kalasi 4 yasekondale amalemba mayeso otsiliza, ena anakhudzidwa ndi mvula komanso mphepo yamphavu.
Nyba zina zimene amagwilitsa ntchito zinapasuka denga, zipangizo zina zinanyowa ndi mvula.
Sizokhazo, malo ena amene analandira mvura yamphamvu madzi anasefuka mmitsinje.
Madzi anagwesa nyumba zochuluka, misewu yambiri inazazidwa ndi madzi, ophunzira analeka kupita kusukulu kupewa ngozi, mapolo a magetsi anagwa ochuluka zimene zinapangisaso kuti magetsi akhale ozima kwa nthawi yaitali.Mbewu zimene zinakwilirika ndi matope kapena mchenga wochuluka komanso zina zimene zinakokololedwa ndi madzi zinasiya alimi ochuluka alibe podalira.
Alimi ena anali pa mavuto akulu chifukwa nyumba zawo zinagwa pambali poti mbewu zawo zinakokololedwa ndi madzi.chithunzi chili mmusimu chikuwonesa nsinje umene munadusa madzi ambiri amene anawononga katuntdu ndi mbewu zimene zinali mmbali mwa nsinjewu.

Malonda ambiri akhuzidwaso ndi kusintha kwa nyengo.
Munyengo yakusefuka kwa madzi mwachitsanzo , anthu amawopa kukwela galimoto mmawulendo awo chifukwa misewu inali yotelera pa nthawiyi.Izi zinakhuza ochita malonda onyamula anthu pogwiritsa nchito galimoto.Kuwonongeka kwa mbewu mminda kunachepesa zokolora za alimi ambiri.
Kwa anthu ochita malonda a mbewu sanapange phindu lokwanila chifukwa cha vutoli.kupatula apo, kutsintha kwa nyengo kwapangisa kuti katundu wina azisowa.
Pali nyengo zina zimene zimakhala zovuta kuti munthu mkuyenda ulendo kukapeza kapena kutenga katundu kutali.
Nyengo ngati zimenezi zimapangisa kuti katundu asowe komanso ngati akupezeka akhale okwera mtengo.Katundu monga majuzi, zotchingira mkhosi komanso sukumba zimagwirisidwa ntchito nthawi ya mvula kapena yodzidzira nthawi zambiri.
Kusintha kwa nyengo monga kubwera chilala, anthu amasiya kugula juzi, sukumba komanso zinthu zina zovala kodzidzira.
Kusintha kwa nyengo kumapangisa kuti anthu aleke kugula katundu wina zimene zimayika malonda ena pachiwopsezo.
Kuwonongeka kwa thambo loteteza anthu ku mphavu yaikulu yadzuwa kumawononga mbewu komanso matupi a wanthu.
Dzuwa la mphamvu kwambiri limabwelesa mavuto ena pakhungu la munthu.
Anthu amatha kudwala nthenda yapakhungu monga khansa.
Pali matenda ena a mbewu komanso anthu amene amapezeka pokhapokha ngati nyengo ikutentha.
Matenda ena amakhala komanso kupezeka nyengo yozizira.
Kusintha kwa nyengo kumatha kubwelesa nyengo yabwino kwa tizilombo tina toyambisa matenda ena.
Mwachitsanzo , mbatatesi za alimi ambiri a kuntchewu zinagwilidwa ndi nthenda yowolesa mbatatesi zidakali mmunda.
Alimi anayesera kuthira mankhwara mbatatesi zawo osiyanasiyana koma sizinaphure kanthu.
Momwe mankhwala amapezeka mkuti mbewu yambiri ya mbatatesi itawonongeka.
Mongophera mphongo, kusintha kwa nyengo kwakhuza malonda, maphunziro komanso zaulimi.
Tizilombo tina toyambisa matenda ku mbewu ndi anthu timafalikira mwansanga nthawi zina chifukwa cha kusinthasintha kwa nyengo.Izi zimakhala chonchi nthawi zina chifukwa chakuti nyengo imatha kupeleka mwayi kwa tizilomboti kuti tiswane mkufalikira.Kusefukira kwa madzi magawo ena mdziko la Malawi chifukwa cha kusintha kwa nyengo kwapangisa kuti misewu iwonongeke.
Kuwonongeka kwa misewu kwapangisa kuti katundu wina azivuta kumpeza komanso akwele mtengo.
Kuwonongeka kwa makalasi ophunziliramo kwabwedzelesa maphunziro mmbuyo mmasukulu ena.kupatula apo, kusintha kwa nyengo kwachitisa kuti katundu wina asiye kugulidwa.
Ana amene makolo awo amadalira ulimi kupeza ndalama zowathandizira pa maphunziro awo ali pa chiopsezo chifukwa ulimi sukuyenda bwino kamba ka vutoli.Kusintha kwa nyengo ndi chiphinjo chachikulu pa zitukuko zina za mziko.
Blogger: Feston Edvance Hippo
My name is Feston Edvance Hippo, a single man aged 24.Was born in a family of 2 children and am the last .Currently am doing my Bachelor’s degree in Agribusiness Management at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR).
Contact details: +265 996 262 285
WhatsApp : +265 883 747 855
Email : festonhippo000@gmail.com
Nationality : Malawi
District of Origin : Mulanje (Mzongwe village)
Residential District : Lilongwe (Bunda campus)