Do You Love Energy Drinks? This Is What It Does Your Health, Be Careful

Energy drink contains caffeine, sugar, additives, and legal stimulants such guarana, taurine, and L-carnitine. Legal stimulants boost alertness, focus, energy, blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration.

Vigor drinks claim to boost mental and physical vitality.

What are some popular energy drinks? Monster, AMP, Rockstar, NOS, and Five-Hour Energy.

Energy drinks include caffeine. Caffeine boosts brain capacity, activity, alertness, and attention.

Some energy drink consumers worry about side effects.

Energy drinks enhance alertness.

This article analyzes energy drinks’ health benefits and cons.

Caffeine-based energy drinks boost alertness. The drink may harm consumers.

Energy drinks usually harm teens and children.

According to a study, energy drinks cause caffeine overdoses. Energy drinks can cause seizures, insanity, stroke, and death. A 16 oz. energy drink may have 54 to 62 grams of sugar.

Some energy drink additives may be harmful.

caffeinated sugary drinks.

25 to 39 grams of sugar per serving in energy drinks.

Sugar can cause insomnia and mental problems. Obesity and sugar cause diabetes.

The two don’t mix.

People want to blend booze with energy drinks to make them stronger. You may feel less inebriated and stimulated, but you may still talk too much and have memory lapses.

Today, mixing energy drinks and alcohol is dangerous.

Alcohol and energy drinks are popular among young Americans.

Mixing alcohol and energy drinks increases binge drinking by four times in young adults (i.e., consume 6 or more drinks per binge episode).

Caffeine can offset alcohol’s depressive effects.

Drinking alcoholic energy drinks while driving promotes alcohol-related injuries and endangers the community.

Suffering teens.

Most kids can’t take energy drink caffeine.

Energy drinks and kids: what happens?

Pediatrics study: energy drinks are a growing source of caffeine overdoses. Too much of these stimulants and substances can cause dependence, dehydration, sleeplessness, heart palpitations, and/or an elevated heart rate.

NCCIH: Caffeinated drinks produce sensory system anomalies, underdeveloped brains, and sleep disorders in young adults.




