Darkest Events in The World

1. Zoo girls

Many people have no idea human Zoos existed and some still exist today. One time a Filipino girl was on display in a Coney Island zoo in 1914. She was bound by ropes and people threw things at her. Also, another event of an African girl who was fed by the audience during 1958 Brussels World’s Fair featuring ‘Congo Village’ with visitors watching her from behind wooden fences. It’s just heartbreaking to see this happen to anyone, especially to children

2. New London

Did you know natural gas had no smell until 1947? On March 18, 1947, A teacher at the school in new London turned on an electric sander, unfortunately, there was a massive natural gas leak under the school. The sander sparked and it ignited and caused a massive explosion. The explosion was so great that a two ton block of concrete crushed a car parked 200 feet away. So yeah, this is why natural gas has a smell now. They started adding smell so explosions like this don’t happen again

3. Ota Benga

Ota Benga was a teenage boy brought from his homeland in central Africa and displayed like an animal at the Bronx Zoo in New York City after his entire family and village had been slaughtered. Benga eventually got out of the carnival but his dreams of returning to Africa didn’t come to pass after he himself on March 20, 1916. He was about 33 years of age at time of death. If you’re wondering why his teeth’s are filled into points, that was a custom thing in Congo.

4. Butterbox babies

An ideal maternity home in Canada took babies from single/unwed mothers and they were selling them to top buyers. The “unsold” babies were starved. They fed them only molasses and water. The corpses of these babies were put in wooden boxes often used for butter. Some weren’t even buried, they just tossed them in the home furnace to burn. Close to a thousand {grim reaper } in that home and most that were adopted suffered in their new homes.

5. The cadaver synod

Think about this human cruelty for a moment. A pope had a previous pope’s corpse exhumed for something made up. So they dug up the pope’s bloated 7 months old corpse, convicted him and nullifying his papacy. When they were done, they dumbed his bloated corpse in a river. The people got angry and overthrew the pope, who was strangled in prison. The next pope came along and had the corpse collected from the river and it’s papacy reinstated. All fun and games in the Vatican City back in 897



