Court Acquits Vincent After Spending 5 Months In Police Custody

The First Grade Magistrate Court in Mwanza has acquitted James Vincent of theft allegations five months after being kept in custody.

Vincent alongside four others was charged with stealing goods in transit, contrary to section 282 C of the Penal Code. It was alleged that on 7 October 2023, the accused stole assorted items valued at 13 million kwacha from a truck Registration number JN 31 TM GP en route to South Africa.

When arrested, he was taken to Court and his relatives applied for legal aid on his behalf. After being granted legal aid, he was represented in Court by Senior Legal Aid Advocate Chikondi Mmanga Kasambara with assistance from Legal Aid Officer Catherine Mkonda.

In Court, the prosecution paraded six witnesses. It was however observed that none of the evidence connected Vincent to the crime. Police did not find any of the stolen items in the possession of the accused person. None of the witnesses either identified him.

In cross-examination, the lead police investigator conceded to have found no evidence at all implicating Vincent. What was paramount, according to him, was that the other accused persons mentioned Vincent in their statements.

The Presiding Magistrate, His Worship Gladstone Chilundu said confessions of other suspects alone were not enough to prosecute and secure a conviction against James Vincent especially where there was no evidence against him. He was therefore found with no case to answer and was acquitted.

Copied:Legal Aid Bureau

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