Chewa Heritage Foundation Courts CCAP Reverend Yasin Gama over Gulewankulu Remarks

Today leadership of the Chewa Heritage Foundation is expected to meet CCAP Nkhoma Synod Reverend, Yasin Gama of Mvama Church, over a video-clip-gone-viral in which the reverend denounces gulewankulu as a cult of sinners enjoying equal blessings of rains from God alongside the righteous.

According to Chewa senior chief Lukwa of Kasungu, members of the cult have taken offense with the remarks saying the message was a direct attack on their culture and tradition. He says the Chews are demanding a public apology over what was said.

“As chiefs and custodians of culture, we are equally saddened with the remarks. But no one should take any action until the meeting is held. Then we will inform the nation of its outcomes,” says Lukwa.

Reverend Gama could not be drawn for his comment.

Gulewamkulu is one of the most respected dances among the Chewas as it is believed to connect them to the spirits of their dead.







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