A 32-year-old man, identified as Salabadika Kauma, tragically lost his life after inhaling carbon monoxide while burning charcoal in Namizimu Forest, Mangochi.
According Mangochi Police Spokesperson Amina Tepani Daud, the unfortunate incident took place on October 22, 2023, at the said forest, within the jurisdiction of traditional authority Katuli.
According to the deceased’s cousin, Kauma, a well-known charcoal burner in the area, went to the forest alone on October 18, 2023, to engage in charcoal production and did not return.
Two days later, his family reported him missing at Katuli Police Unit who initiated a search for his whereabouts with the help of members of the community. The search continued until October 22, 2023, when his lifeless body was discovered 20 kilometers away from the charcoal burning site.
A postmortem conducted by medical personnel from Katuli Health Centre revealed that Kauma succumbed to suffocation, caused by inhaling carbon monoxide emitted during the charcoal production process.
Meanhwile, to prevent similar tragedies and to deter illegal activities that contribute to climate change, Police in the district are urging the public to cease engaging in this dangerous practice.
Salabadika Kauma hailed from Nsalure village, Traditional Authority Katuli, in Mangochi.
The post Charcoal Burner Dies in Namizimu Forest, Mangochi appeared first on Face of Malawi.