‘Being a gay man does not qualify you to be a woman. You are a gay man. Stop trying to erase us’, South African musician and poet Ntsiki Mazwai react

South African musician and poet Ntsiki Mazwai says she does not like gay men who want to be women. She says most of them wear dresses and makeup. Some people agreed with her while others told her that they are not trying to be women, they are just being themselves. Someone even said women are intimidated by them because they are a threat.

“Being a gay man does not qualify you to be a woman. Youre a gay man. That’s that. Please stop trying to erase us.” She tweeted

“I do not believe gay men are trying to erase women. They are being themselves. Also, an individual can identify themselves in anyway they wish to identify themselves.” Said @Darkberry_101.

“We are not trying to erase anyone. Our presence is just a threat to some of you ladies.” Said @Kahmoh13.

“I get why some ladies may feel threatened, I’m hypersexual, I don’t even need makeup or to wear a skirt to get attention. If I want to seduce someone, they get attracted to my personality and sex appeal. My lady friends don’t trust me with their partners.” Said @aleoShir96.


Being a gay man does not qualify you to be a woman….

Youre a gay man…… That’s that.

Please stop trying to erase us.

— KUMKANIKAZI (@ntsikimazwai) August 2, 2022




