APOLISI NDI ABALE ATHU:  Dedza Police Officer Cassim Manda Donates to Female Learners

As one way of celebrating his birthday, a Dedza based Police officer cum musician Cassim Manda has donated learning materials to female students at Chilamba primary school in the district.

Manda, who is also Deputy Police Public Relations Officer for the district, said he decided to make the donation as one way of encouraging female learners to work hard in their studies.  Apart from donating the learning materials, Manda also pledged school fees to female secondary school students who dropped out of school due to lack of school fees at Mchisu secondary in the district.

He however, pleaded with all citizens in the country to desist from the mere tendency of dressing in school uniforms during commemoration of girl child education campaign without taking into action in support of the girl child education.

According to Manda, mere dressing in school uniform would not make go back to school campaign successful.

On her part, a student from Chilamba Primary Mirriam Sande commended Manda for the donation saying the donation was timely.

The post APOLISI NDI ABALE ATHU:  Dedza Police Officer Cassim Manda Donates to Female Learners appeared first on Malawi Voice.






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