All set for Aford’s Mega Rally…Chihana says Tonse Alliance government has abandoned Malawians

Ahead of the Labour Day rally, dubbed “Agricultural sector catalyst for stable democracy and socioeconomic transformation” the Alliance for Democracy- AFORD Tsar, Enock Kamzingeni Chihana says Malawians have become orphans in their own land because the present leadership has abandoned them.

In an advert audio that Malawi Voice has accessed, Chihana says there is an economic dark cloud that has befallen Malawians.

“The brazen policies of our government have created a massive despondency, uncertainty and social ailments in the country, no wonder trust has evaporated in the society and the only remedy is to rally Malawians to make sure they voice their anger on the ballot in 2025.

“Citing the poverty levels in the country that is at 72% according to World Bank reports and that close to 70% of the population live on less than $2:15 a day, while prices of basic needs continue to rise, slowdown in growth and the devaluation of the Kwcha, Malawians are in intelligent enough to separate a goat from a sheep and to know who is behind this low hemoglobin in the economy laments Chihana.

Chihana has also ‘impeached’ government for failing the agricultural sector which is the spine of country’s economy, lack of structural transformation coupled with corruption, the spiraling hike in interest rate and devastating devaluation of the kwacha are examples that Chakwera and his proxies have sledgehammered poor Malawians without mercy.

Chihana: “Apart from the political big fish that are ready to join our forces in redeeming this country on Wednesday, AFORD has lined up several policies that will rejuvenate and stimulate the economy for the betterment of poor Malawians

For example: “We have planned to invest heavily in infrastructure projects, irrigation, enact a legislation that will build a more professional and, ethical and capable civil service that is responsive to the current digital economy, prioritising the youth and women as critical players in the economic growth among others,” he said.

He has assured Malawians that God is still in control, that there is no need to panic and urged all Malawians to never stop seeking His grace, knowledge and wisdom in whatever we do while promising that Wednesday rally will shake the political landscape of the country.

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