Woman puts her husband up for sale on auction site

They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned as this Irish woman certainly proved after she recently put her husband up for sale on an auction site when he left her at home with the kids during the summer holidays to go on a fishing trip.

The advert was eventually taken down for breaching the site’s terms and conditions but not before bidding had risen to €63.

According to Linda McAlister’s advert, her husband John is a “decent breeding, 6’1, 37 years old and a beef farmer”. He’s a “shootin’, and fishin’ sort of fellow” she added to warn prospective buyers of his fondness for a fishing trip.

McAlister noted that John had many previous owners but that he would remain loyal provided he’s fed and watered.

“Over hydration may lead to some unsavoury consequences… videos available on request,” Linda wrote.

It seems people were seriously considering the purchase, with one user enquiring for further information with Linda adding: “Extremely fond of lengthy pasture and or weather conversations; generally of a Friday evening, involving a sturdy focus on hydration.






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