Court discharges Mwanza presidential carpet thieves

The First Grade Magistrate Court in Mwanza has today discharged two men, Beredo Andrea and Roben Biziweki who were accused of stealing a presidential carpet.

The two (first and fourth accused) were among four suspects charged with the offence of stealing goods in transit contrary to section 282 C of the Penal Code. The other two are still in police custody.

It was alleged that on 24th January 2024, Andrea and Biziweki stole a carpet belonging to the office of the President from a moving vehicle as it was being transported to Mwanza where the President was scheduled to hold a rally.

Upon arrest, the first and fourth accused sought Legal Aid services and have since been represented by Senior Legal Aid Advocate Chikondi Mmanga Kasambara with assistance from Legal Aid Officer Catherine Mkonda.

It was learned through the case that Roben Biziweki as a member of community policing was contacted by police to assist them in investigating the matter surrounding the stolen carpet.

He was later treated as a suspect while Beredo Andrea was arrested at his house. None of the two was however found in possession of the alleged stolen carpet but were made to stand in front of it and had their photos taken at a police station.

On 30th January 2022, the two legally aided accused persons appeared before the Court where they pleaded not guilty to the charge.

The State requested 14 days to prepare a case docket and witnesses but did not succeed.

 On 15 March, through their counsel from Legal Aid Bureau, the two accused persons applied for bail but the Court reserved its ruling to a later date.

To date, the State has not made available any documents relating to the case to the Defense team.

Since the State conceded to have found no evidence against the accused persons, the Court has today discharged the accused persons under Section 81(a) of the Criminal Procedure & Evidence Code. Beredo Andrea and Roben Biziweki are now free men.

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