Veteran journalist Isaac Malunga’s burial Friday

The body of Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) News Editor Isaac Malunga will be laid to rest this coming Friday at HHI cemetery in Blantyre.

Malunga died this morning at Mwaiwathu Private Hospital where he was admitted after a long illness.

MBC spokesperson Chisomo Mwamadi has confirmed of the development in an interview with the press.

“His body will on Thursday be collected from Mthunzi Mortuary to his home in Machinjiri in Blantyre at 10am,” Mwamadi said.

Apart from news editing, the late Malunga was also reading Nkhani, Nkhani za Mmaboma and Nkhani mu Chisena.

Born on 15 October 1972 at Jovilisi Village in the area of Traditional Authority Malemia in Nsanje, Malunga is survived by a wife and three children.

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