72-Year-Old Man Found Dead in Nsanje

A 72-year-old man named Elias Nyathando, who lived in the area of T/A Ndamera, lost his life in a horrifying way early on a Monday in Nsanje.

According to a flash report from the police, the criminals responsible for this heinous act broke into Nyathando’s home and not only harmed him but also stole several things from his house, like his motorbike, a power device, an electric iron, and a memory card, which all added up to about K1,545,000.

The people who lived nearby noticed something was wrong when they didn’t see Nyathando coming out of his house as usual. When they checked, they found that the window of his house was damaged, a metal bar on one of his windows was removed, and the main door was shut from the outside without a lock.

His neighbors called his younger brother, who went inside and made a horrifying discovery. They found Nyathando’s things scattered around the house, and they found him dead on the floor with a rope from a mosquito net tied around his neck.

Postmortem results confirmed the cause of death as suffocation secondary to strangulation, painting a grim picture of the crime’s brutality.

The post 72-Year-Old Man Found Dead in Nsanje appeared first on Face of Malawi.



