Escom courts businesses to invest in energy sector

Escom courts businesses to invest in energy sector

Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (Escom) Limited has urged local businesses to attend and explore opportunities at the upcoming energy conference.

Escom is coordinating the Energy Stakeholders and Market Roadshow scheduled for Bingu International Convention Centre from October 24 to 26 2023 organised by Southern Africa Power Pool (Sapp), an umbrella body for all energy sector players in the Sadc region.

Escom public relations manager Kitty Chingota said at the event, business captains will learn about investment opportunities that exist in the region.

“The roadshow seeks to expose decision-makers in the energy sector of the Southern African Development Community [Sadc] to the importance and key facets of the Sapp wholesale electricity market,” said Sapp in a statement.

Sapp is the first power pool in Africa incorporating all 12 Sadc mainland States. Sapp operates a wholesale electricity exchange model that unites regional demand and supply to a transparent marketplace. Escom is the local affiliate.

The post Escom courts businesses to invest in energy sector appeared first on The Nation Online.



