US-based IT firm enters Malawi market, to enhance data security

US-based IT firm enters Malawi market, to enhance data security

United States (US)-based Array Networks Inc has entered the Malawi market through a partnership with local networks and support services provider Luna Technologies, assuring customers of improved and enhanced data security.

Through the collaboration, Luna Technologies is expected to extend Array’s series application delivery controller, web application firewall, series network hyper converged infrastructure and range of solutions to enterprises, banks and government organisations across their network in the country.

In an interview on the sidelines of cyber security training organised for financial institutions in Blantyre on Wednesday where they announced entry on the local market, Array Networks Inc head of regional sales for Africa Region Jayesh V said the firm brings unique skills to enhance networking systems and detect threats and vulnerabilities that organisations face in data protection.

He said: “As an emerging market, Malawi has a lot of potential, but needs proper mechanisms to detect threats to data security.

“We are delighted to have this opportunity to work in Malawi and the timing is perfect as we expand our team and the capabilities of the Array Networks to help our customers achieve security, access, scalability, performance and security.”

Luna Technologies managing director Warren Nkhonjera said the partnership will change both entities and transfer skills to the local entity and individuals, including creating jobs.

He said: “Luna Technologies through their partnership with Array Networks products and services will cover the gap in the market through the wide range of solutions on cyber security.

“Our objective is to bring enhanced security to the financial institutions, government and customer data in a world where data is key to the success or collapse of enterprises.”



