Dear President Chakwera…There can only be one fool


There can only be one fool. Either Malawians are fools or your office.

(a) All Covid Monies were looted without your knowledge.

(b) Fertilizer Money was stolen and sent to different beneficiaries without you knowing. We are talking of MK30bn

(c) You didn’t even know someone by the name of Zunneth Sattar. Your first Press Conference you didn’t mention him by name. You kept referring to him as a British Citizen. This is the man who kindly flew your wife back to Malawi during Covid Pandemic lockdown.

(d) You never said anything about looting of public monies at the Office of Auditor/ Accountant General. This Makiyeru you sent to trap Martha is one of the thieves.

(e) You knew nothing of Martha Chizuma arrest. You had to constitute the Commission of Inquiry to find out the truth.

(f) You didn’t know anything that Martha received Court Summons.

(g) You don’t know that Martha is effectively fired.

Here is what the Lord says.

(a) You were never meant to lead a nation.

(b) Very dishonest person

(c) You are a pack of thieves. You are what Mutharika was in your eyes; Prince of thieves.

(d) God has turned His back on you. Every other day is your last day.

God Bless You.

Ndawala pa Town……

Ine Ndwiiiii…..

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