Dear Dr Chakwera…Please don’t treat Vice President like that


Saulos Chilima, the Vice President needs you and me at this hour when his future is uncertain. Uncertainty comes because nobody is telling him what are his crimes yet he is effectively suspended from work.

For the past 5 months he is been wandering from one corner of the house to other not knowing what else to do.

I’m saying; Don’t ever treat a person like that. Put yourself in his shoes. Put your husband, your brother and or your son and watch yourself in the mirror. You can’t take it.

He can’t speak for himself. He can’t force the situation to unravel so that it get’s resolved procedurally.

I’m saying to President Chakwera, the status implies that there is something you are in cohort with ACB otherwise you would have have summoned ACB and demand an explanation what you should do next because politically you are placed in vultures’s position. Gladly enjoying the carcass.

Shallow minds UNDERSTAND me differently. I’m saying there must be a timeline and limit to Investigations. NCA must have given ACB all the relevant data to implicate him. What’s the problem?

Don’t treat people like this.

Tomorrow I will speak on your behalf when things turn. That’s the nature of my character. I don’t take permanent sides without thinking independently.

I’m saying; Beyond November, stop all the nonsense.

Ndawala pa Town ……..

Ine Ndwiiiiii…….

The post Dear Dr Chakwera…Please don’t treat Vice President like that appeared first on Malawi Voice.



