Kenyan Female Traveler Pulls A Dangerous Stunts At Victoria falls In Zambia

Victoria falls.. Netizens have showered an ardent Kenyan traveler with praises after she posted a video pulling stunts at the famous Devil’s Pool in Zambia.

Swimming by a waterfall – it sounds like a serene escape into nature but there’s nothing peaceful about the Devil’s Pool.

Instead of taking a dip at the base of the wall of water, this swim is done at the top, on the edge of a HUGE drop into Victoria Falls.

Only the brave attempt a swim in the Devil’s Pool and tour guides are tasked with ensuring their safety.

She shared a video dangling precariously on the edge of the famous pool and wrote,

“Victoria Falls Zambia, make it your visit destination but the activities are not for the faint hearted. I was as the Devil’s Pool.”

Watch the video below :






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