Welcome Back Home Mr. President

By Gift Bennie Nkolokosa

President Dr Lazarus Chakwera and Madame Monica Chakwera captured upon arrival from Brussels

Ordinarily you are supposed to be briefed on important issues which happened while you were away.

Am told your people are always selective when it comes to these important issues for the sake of my loyalty for the country I will voluntary brief you as follows;

1. The Mera will be appearing before PAC after your office recommended that it should be fired for botching the recruitment of MERA CEO. Surprisingly the said CEO, Henry Kachaje is still CEO of MERA.

2. There is a lot of anger on how your government is handling corruption issues. Some citizens are mobilizing to demonstrate against the actions of one of the suspects. From my reading of the situation this could be the beginning of rough ride for your government and presidency.

3. There is very little your government has done to help those affected by floods in some parts of the country. Well-wishers are reluctant to donate to your government because they have no confidence in it and this is making innocent floods victims suffer.

4. Your Minister Of Information is misleading the nation by saying that prices of cooking oil will immediately fall because VAT has been removed. I suspect that his level of understanding issues is very low. I suggest that he goes for some orientation on basic economics so that he does not continue misleading the nation.

5. We have read in the social media that The Chewa Heritage which you are a member has threated unspecified action against Reverend Gama of Mvama CCAP Church after he made some derogatory remarks against Gule Wamkulu.

Minister Mtambo Sleeping on Duty

Unfortunately your Minister of Unity Timothy Mtambo has kept quiet on this matter which has the potential to degenerate into violence. He is sleeping on the job.

6. The maize crop does not look promising and it’s high time your administration started preparing for another year of hunger.

The post Welcome Back Home Mr. President appeared first on Malawi Voice.






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