Pharmacist fined for drug theft

Pharmacist fined for drug theft

 Karonga Magistrate’s Court has fined Karonga District Hospital pharmacy technician Tiwonge Mweso K300 000 after finding her guilty of illegal possession of drugs, medical products and devices worth K434 637.

State prosecutor Wongani Soko told the court that Mweso was found with the drugs at her home on May 22 2021.

She prayed for a stiffer sentence, saying the offence attracts a penalty of K5 million or in default a jail sentence of five years.

An artist’s illustration depicting
court proceedings

“The convict deserves a stiffer punishment to deter other would-be offenders because the convict works at a public hospital and the drugs were supposed to be in hospital,” said Soko.

In her submission, defence lawyer Sheila Malola asked for a leniency, arguing her client was a first offender, young, can be reformed and that the cost of drugs involved was low.

In his short ruling, first grade magistrate Julius Kalambo said shortage of drugs in public hospitals is rampant due to drug pilferage.

He said: “Having gone through the evidence presented in this court by the State, I have found you guilty and I convict you as such because the pilferage of drugs and availability of the same on the black market poses danger to the community due to high chances of using them without prescription.

“I fine you K300 000 or in default to be committed to jail to serve a 20 months sentence

The post Pharmacist fined for drug theft appeared first on The Nation Online.






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