Take Charge Of The Hormones That Control Your Emotions

Emotions are the spices of life. Emotions are what give us memories and what makes life fun. Day in day out we face numerous emotions both pleasurable and unpleasurable.

Now imagine a world of no emotions; no depression, trauma,fear, betrayal, pain, joy just to mention a few. Wouldn’t it feel as though we’re robots?

What if I told you emotions are based on chemicals produced by our bodies and we can actually take charge of them. Yes you read that right. You can take charge of your emotions by consciously boosting the production of the chemical that fuels the emotion you want.

Here are 4 chemicals you can take charge of in your body :

1. Dopamine. Call it the reward chemical. Dopamine is released when you eat, achieve a goal, complete a task or you engage in self care activities such as working out.

2. The love hormone, oxytocin. Released when you socialize, pet animals, help others, or experience physical touch. It’s also released during the time one’s love language.

3. Serotonin, the mood stabilizer. You get Serotonin in your body during sun exposure, mindfulness meditation and when you’re with nature. This explains why taking a walk especially in a bad mood always does the trick. Why don’t you take a walk the next time you’re not in a good mood.

4. The pain killer, endorphin. Released when one exercises, listens to music, watch a movie and when one laughs. Next time you’re in pain try doing any of these. Please note that pain as in emotional pain and not physical.






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