Woman handed 8 years jail sentence for having s3x with two boys in Lilongwe

The Lilongwe Senior Resident Magistrate’s Court, on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 convicted and sentenced a woman, Christina Masina, 24, to eight years imprisonment for having sexual activities with minors, (4 and 16-year-old boys) in June last year at Chigwirizano location in Lilongwe.

The court through Lilongwe Police Station prosecution officer, Inspector Richard Kandeya, heard that the accused person, Christina Masina, was a neighbor to the complainant, (name withheld) who happens to be mother and brother to first and second victims respectively.

Kandeya continued to say that each time both, the accused and the complainant, were going out during night times, the two boys were taken to spend their night in the accused’s house as part of security.

However, coming straight from her outing while drunk at around 04:00 hours on June 27, 2021 Christina, awakened the two young boys and started accusing them of doing sexual activities with her whilst asleep.

Though the boys denied the accusation, Christina insisted by forcing them to have sexual activities with her, one after the other as part of proof to this dubious allegation.

The accused started having sex with the four year old boy before forcing the second victim, 16-year-old boy into the same act.

In court, though she denied the charges levelled against her, but in defence, she blamed intoxication, saying she did that under the influence of alcohol.

In mitigation, Christina asked the court for leniency saying she is a first offender. And that she has children who look up to her for parental care.

In his submission, state prosecutor Richard Kandeya, reminded the court of the seriousness of the offences in nature.

Kandeya also said that since last year the boys have gone through a traumatic period that will in the long run also affect their education and social life.






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