6 Japanese Secrets You Can Borrow That Make Them Live Longer Like Them

1. They believe in eating little amounts of food

When you visit Japan, you will notice that their plates are normally smaller in size compared to the others. They will infact prefer to have very many small plates rather than one very huge plate. With this as part of their culture, it becomes easy for them to control the amounts of food that they consume everyday and that is why they are able to control their weight very well. With a healthy kind of weight it becomes easy for them to live longer.

2. The practice eating very slowly

This is another healthy secret that the Japanese people use when it comes to maintaining their good feeding habit. The Japanese people know that it actually takes about 20 minutes after a person has begun eating for the brain to begin sending signals of being full. To make this possible, they don’t have to finish all the food but consume only 80 percent of the food. With this kind of culture, they are actually able to maintain a healthy and balanced diet.

3. They take salt and oil as part of their diet

Incase you don’t know, the people on Japan consume approximately 0.9 grams of salt everyday and a spoonful of cooking oil. This is able to keep check on their health and they are able to maintain a healthy body. This what makes them live longer and it will be good if you actually borrow some of these secrets from them.

4. The Japanese people like walking more than exercising

Walking is one of the favourite activities of the Japanese people. With walking it is actually easy to multi-task and one can still be able to talk and interact freely with other people. Walking has been proven to be one of the best exercises so far that benefits the body immensely. May be it’s high time we also shift to walking as a fun activity and get to enjoy the health benefits of doing that.

5.They eat Tofu

Tofu is one of the basic ingredients of almost all Japanese foods. It is such a rich food with lots of health benefits. One of the health benefits of tofu is that it keeps the skin fresh and gives it a younger look. Another health benefit of Tofu is that helps reduce heart related illnesses and helps in maintaining a good wealth.

6.Take steamy baths or showers

Japanese people like taking steamy baths which has actually been proven to be very health. Steamy baths are good for the skin and it’s time you should actually try it out. The only warning I have to give you is that you should be careful not to burn yourself.






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