There are many games that are played by children, youths and adults in almost all the districts of Malawi. Some of the games are common to all citizens and foreigners while some are not.
pali masewero ambiri amene amaseweredwa ndi ana, achinyamata komanso akulu akulu mmaboma onse adziko lamalawi. Ena mwa masewera wa amadziwidwa ndi anthu ambiri amdzikoli komanso akunja pomwe ena ndi osatchuka.

This is a kind of game that is mostly played by children in the remote areas. Only two people are eligible to play the game.
Awa ndi masewero amene amaseweredwa ndi ana pogwiritsa ntchito misomali. Anthu osewera masewerawa amayenera akhalepo awiri ndipo ena amakhala mbali mbali motalikirapo pang’ono kuwonerera.
Iron nails are used in playing the game. All spectators stand a bit far away from the place where the two are playing the game as a caution to the iron nails that are strongly thrown to the ground.
One of the two people playing the game starts by throwing his iron nail to the ground so that it should bore the ground and stand erect. If he fails to do so, then another person starts the game. If that person is lucky enough in a way that he has managed to erect his nail to the ground, then he is also required to throw it again but this time on a different position. He then connects the two points using a line. After that he continues boring other points and connecting them but this time the connection is supposed to resemble an equilateral maze triangle box with spaces within the lines.
Anthu owonererawa amatalikira malo oseweredwa wa kuopa kubayidwa ndi misomali imene osewerawa amakhala akuiponya mwamphamvu polasa mnthaka.
Munthu mmodzi mwa osewera awiri wa ndi amene amayambisa kusewera. Iye amayenera avunge msomali ndikubaya pamnsi mwaukadaulo owonesesa kuti msomaliwo ukalasa pansi usagwepo. Msomali wake ukagwa, munthu wina yemwe akusewera naye amayenera ayambe iyeyo osati uyu amene walepherayi. Akakhala ndi mwayi kuti msomali wake siunagwe amayenera alasenso malo ena ndipo amayenera alembelere mzere kuchoka pamalo amene analasa iye koyamba kukafika malo omwe walasa iye kachiwiri mokhala ngati akulumikiza malo awiri wo. Akatero amayenera apitirizebe kupanga zotero mokhala ngati akujambula bokosi langodya zitatu lolukanalukana koma lamizere yake yosagundana.
If his iron nail fails to stand erect on the ground in the process of doing this then another person takes over; following the same procedure but this time he starts boring from inside his counterpart maze triangle box protruding outside the box through the spaces that were left by his fellow counterpart.
Iye msomali wake ukagwa ali mkati mochita izi, mzake wina uja amayenera ayambeponso koma monga mwachiyambi amayenera ayambire kubowola mkati mwabokosi lomwe mzake uja wapanga ndipo akamabowola aziyendesa mzere mmipata yomwe mzakeyo anasiya .
When he protrudes outside, he then starts to create his own maze box in a creative and tricky manner that his other friend might not make it to pass through when his turn comes.
The game only ends when one of the people playing the game decides to leave no space between the maze box thus to say he jabs on his own line so as to close the maze making it impossible for his fellow friend’s line to pass through.
Iye amayenera apange izi ndikutuluka mumizere yamzakeyo ndikuyambano kumusekera mzakeyo ndi mizire yake. Masewerowa alibe pothera koma iwo amatha zikakhala kuti mmodzi mwa amene akusewera wavomereza kugonja(kusonyeza kuti mzakeyo ndiye kaswiri) kapena kuti watopa. Nthawi zambiri amene akusogola pa masewera wa nso amakhala ndi ufulu onse othesa masewera wa , iye amatha kubaya pa mzere wake womwe ndipo izi zimasonyeza kuti masewerawa atha chifukwa amakhala kuti waseka njira yomwe mzakeyo amayenera atulukire.
When this finally happens, it signifies that that person (closing his own maze box) has won the game. After that the winner might choose to compete with another person or not.
Zikatere owinayo amayenera apikisanenso ndi mmodzi mwa anthu amene amawonerera amene akuzithemba kuti angathe kumugonjesa. Iwo amapanganso chimodzimodzi mmene anapangira masewero oyamba aja.
When playing the game, the players need to be cautious enough to avoid getting jabbed with their own iron nails.
Popanga masewera wa, osewera amayenera akhale atcheru kwambiri poti atha kuzibaya kapena kubayidwa ndi misomali yomwe amakhala akuvunga okha.

This is a game played by two or more people. People playing the game uses metal bottle tops. These bottle tops are mostly obtained from soft drink and beer bottles such as Fanta, Coca-Cola, Kuche Kuche bottle tops just to mention a few.
Awa ndi masewera amene amaseweredwa ndi anthu awiri kapena kuposera apo. Iwo amagwiritsa ntchito zisekelero za mabotolo azakumwa a galasi monga Fanta, Coca-cola , Kuche kuche ndi ena ambiri. Zisekelerozi zimayimilira ngati chuma chomwe munthu ali nacho ndipo akufuna kubetcha.
Everyone playing the game brings his own bottle tops and these bottle tops represents as personal wealth that is to be placed for betting.
One of the players draws a circle on the ground using a stick, knife or nail if available. All placed bottle tops are put in this circle by all people willing to play the game. After that a line that is not less than three meters away from the circle is also drawn in any of the one free side of the circle.
Mmodzi mwa osewerawa amalembelera seko padothi ndi mtengo, mpeni kapenanso msomali ngati ulipo. Seko limeneli ndilo lomwe mumakhala zitini zosewerera zomwe zabetchedwa ndi anthu omwe akufuna kusewera nawo. Akatero amakalembeleranso mzere wautali pamnthaka omwe umakhala pafupifupi ma mita osachepera atatu kuchokera lomwe seko ya zisekelero ija yalembedwa.
All players are required to have a separate metal bottle top filled with wet clay soil that is then allowed to dry in the top.
Munthu aliyense amene akusewera nawo amayenera akhale ndi chitini chosewerera chomwe mkati mwake amayikamo dothi lonyowa lomwe amalididiriza pansi kuti liume ndikumatilira kuchitini cho.
One of the players starts the game by throwing his Clay filled bottle top from the point where the circle is targeting towards the drawn line. And all other players are also required to do so.
A player whose top will land exactly on the line is accounted as number one player to further start the next stage of the game. He is then followed by some players whose tops are approximately close to the line in that order. Anyone whose top crosses the line to the other side emerges to be the last player.
Munthu mmodzi mwa osewerawa ndiye amayamba kusewera masewerawa poponya chitini chake chosewerera kuchoka pomwe pali seko lija kulunjika komwe kuli mzere olembeleredwawo. Ndipo ena onse amayenera aponyenso zitini zawo. Munthu amene chitini chake chafikira pamzere ndiye amakhala oyambirira kusewera ndipo amene chitini chake chayandikira mzere amakhala osatira choncho mpakana ena onse aja. Koma ngati chitini chamunthu amene akusewera nawo chapitilira mzere uja ndi kutuluka kunja ,ndiye kuti amayenera akhale otsirizira kuyambanso kusewera.
After that they all pick up their clay filled tops and stand on the line. The number one player starts this stage by throwing his top towards where the placed tops are (towards the circle in particular).
In the context of throwing his top he needs to make sure that his clay filled top displaces as many as bottle tops as possible out of the circle. if he displaces them, he maintains his position but if he fails then the next player who will manage to do so then takes over that position. All displaced tops then become his.
Then all other players follow the same procedure.
Zikatere onse aja amatola zitini zawo ndi kukaima pa mzere paja. Ndipo monga mwandondomeko yake Munthu oyamba uja amayenera ayambepo poponya chitini chake mwamphavu kulunjika ku seko lomwe muli zitini. Iye amayenera awonesese kuti aponye mwaukadaulo kuti akwanise kusuntha zisekelero zomwe zili mu seko muja ndikuzitulusa panja. Mwachisanzo ngati wachosamo chimodzi ndiye kuti chisekelero chotulusidwacho ndi chake. Ngakhale olo atachosa zisekelero zochulukira panthawi imodzi ndiye kuti azitenga ngati zake tsopano. Akalephera kutero ,munthu wina yemwe akwanise ndiye amakhala oyamba. Anthu ena onse aja amayenera nawonso aponye zitini zawo. Ndipo akadyanso amayenera kuti atenge zisekelerozo.
But if it happens that one of the player’s top lands inside the circle, then he is automatically disqualified. When this happens, he is no longer entitled to take back his placed tops in the circle (In simple he has lost them).
Koma ngati osewera waponya chitini chake kuchoka kumzere kukafikira mkati mweni mweni mwa seko momwe muli zitini; iyeyo amakhala kuti wagonja ndipo amatuluka. Izi zimasonyeza kuti zitini zake zonse zomwe anabetcha wabesa.Ndiye kuti ngati panali osewera awiri okha zimatanthauza kuti masewero athera pomwepo.
In a procedural manner the remaining players continue throwing their tops from where they previous landed trying to displace more placed bottle tops in the circle.
If one of the player’s clay filled top hits another player’s clay filled top, then the player whose top has been hit is also disqualified. If it happens that there were only two players left, then it means that the remaining player emerges as the winner and he owns all bottle tops remaining in the circle. In a contrary rare situation where there are many players remaining if it happens that one player’s top hits another player’s top (signifying that he is disqualified) and immediately another player’s top also hits that player’s top (not the disqualified one) then the game is automatically restarted back to the first stage where they were each owning part of bottle tops in the circle.
Koma ngati alipo osewera opitilira awiri ndiye kuti ena aja amene zitini zawo sizinafikire museko muja amayenera apitilize kupimana mphamvu.
Monga mwandondomeko amayenera aziponya zitini zawo mokhumba kuti azichosa zisekelero zomwe zili mu seko muja. Ngati waponya ndipo wachosa amayenera aziponyabe ndikuchosa zitini zina mpakana aphonye. Akaphonya, wina uja amayenera ayambenso kuponya chitini chake kuti achosemo zisekelero.
Koma ngati zingapezeke mwamwayi kuti waponya chitini chake ndipo wamenya chitini chamzake uja ; zimatanthauza kuti oponyayo wawina ndipo mwini wake wachitini chomenyedwa cho waluza. Choncho owinayo amayenera atenge zitini zonse zosala museko muja.
Ndipo masewera amathera pomwepa. Koma ngati oluza aja akufuna kubetcha zitini zinanso amayenera ayambenso kachiwiri kusewera masewerowo.
Ngati zingapezeke kuti mkatimkati mosewera masewerowa wina wamenya chitini chamzake kusonyeza kuti wamutulusa ndipo iye posakhalisa chitini chake chamenyedwanso ndi chitini chawina ;zimatanthauza kuti palibe owina ndipo masewero atshulushidwa. Iwo amayenera ayambirenso kusewera ndipo aliyense yemwe chitini chake chinamenyedwa koyamba uja amayenera asewere nawonso.
HOW is a hero for this game determined?
Kodi kaswiri pamasewerapa amakhala ndani?
– ゲームの後に一番蓋を持っている者が勝者である
-A hero becomes the player owning a greater number of bottle tops after the game.
Kaswiri pamasewerapa amakhala munthu amene pamathero amasewerawa ali ndi zisekelero zochuluka kuposa amzake. Izi zimasonyeza kuti iye ndiye amene anakwanisa kuchosa zitini zochuluka museko lija.
You may never find these games being played anytime and anywhere as they are seasonal and mostly played in the remote areas where most of young Malawians are. Mostly these two games are played by boys. Rarely you will find a girl playing campus or metal bottle tops game.
Masewerowa simungawapeze akuseweredwa paliponse kapena nthawi iliyonse poti amakonda kuseweredwa kumidzi komwe amalawi ambiri amapezekera. Ndizosowa kuwona mwana wamkazi akusewera masewerowa poti amakonda kusewerera ndi anyamata.
Happy faces are easily spotted when children are playing these games.
Nkhope zamsangala ndi chimwemwe zimawonekeratu kwa ana akamasewera masewerowa.
Blogger: Nyasha Nguluwe
Founder and Chief executive officer at Royal Talented youths; a youth led organisation with a vision of being best influencers, aspirants and motivators to the human race in academical, spiritual and intellectual dimensions in Malawi with international visible presence by using our talents.
Contact details: +265998637912
WhatsApp: +265886765101
District of origin: Mulanje (chonde)
Residential District: Thyolo (Bvumbwe)